
Correct spelling of unit tests and the name of the testing function

The task is to test the structure with a single method toStr that returns the type as a string. This structure looks like thi ... Test(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } P.S Don't judge this structure too harshly. It is given as an example.

How do I set my font?

My code import sys from PySide2.QtCore import (QCoreApplication, QMetaObject, QObject, QPoint, QRect, QSize, QUrl, Qt) f ... the font on this path or not. So I don't even know what the problem might be. Does anyone know the solution to this problem?

Books on Qt

Hello! The question arose whether there are books for learning Qt, but not such as it usually happens, which tell something s ... s library. Russian Russian books are desirable, but if they are not in Russian, I don't mind reading them in English as well.

Cross-platform way to find out the approximate amount of RAM

Actually, so far, a little clumsy method has come to mind: BYTE GetAvailableMemory(){ llu MaxMemory = Settings: ... e this clumsy memory counter and whether it will also work on Linux and mac, as on Windows (not will it put the system down)?

Converting a wav file to an array

Hello everyone. You need to perform a DFT conversion of the wav file. The function is available, graphs are plotted(based on ... Qt myself, I study it in a hurry. Help us implement a function that "pulls" data from a wav file to plot a graph / spectrum.

How to install PyQt 5 on Ubuntu 13 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Improve the question How to install PyQt 5 on Ubuntu 13

How to connect the [muParser] library to Qt?

I will need to connect the muParser library (GitHub) to Qt Creator. The problem is that I don't fully understand how to do ... that on another device it can be compiled from the project without additional installations (well, that is, from Qt Creator).

How to translate milliseconds into normal time for understanding

I write a small player using QMediaPlayer. There is a signal that is triggered every 1000 milliseconds. I'm wondering, is it ... time like 2:23 (2 minutes twenty-three seconds), or do I need to make 2 widgets; one for minutes and the second for seconds?

QT C++ Creating an ISO image

There was a task to create a simple program for creating ISO images from a CD in C++. However, in the wilds of the Internet, ... orking with disks libcdio But I didn't find any examples of creating images or sane descriptions. Tell me which way to dig?

How do I create a dynamic variable-length array from lineEdit (s)?

I write a program in c++ in the Qt environment, and created an array consisting of lineEdit(s), the program looks like this: ... cause as I click on the button, I need you will need to add more and more elements ,how do I do this? why do I have an error?

Qt 5 JSON parsing

I have a QByteArray containing the following JSON: { "response": { "count": 2, "items": [ {" ... emObject, the second debag outputs nothing. Tell me, maybe you need to parse differently or why this method does not work?

How to add a splash screen to the background

How do I add a splash screen to the background? I want to add a picture to the background .png in the window MainWindow and ... The background should be in the background and here it turns out that it is displayed on each lable and graphicsview.

How to properly break a program into modules in C++?

For example, I have a project on Qt, there is main.cpp, mainform.h mainform.cpp. In mainform.cpp I declare any methods by cli ... iles, do I need to put them in a separate header/cpp called FileManagment? I'm already confused myself, thank you in advance!

QThread:: sleep kills a thread in Qt

I wanted to write a simple application using QWaitCondition. There was a problem with the ActionThread threads, namely, when ... i; } void Widget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event){ qDebug() << QChar(event->key()); condition.wakeAll(); }

Qthread with continuation

I want to make a thread controller that will run the same object Worker several times. How do I do this? Below is an example ... d, this, [] (int i) { qDebug() << "finish" << i; }); _c.start(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; }

How to use QT & Code::Blocks together?

Guys, I just started programming in C++. Here I want to try it together with Qt, but how to use it together with your favorite Codeblocks I do not know, tell me how?

Error copying the QFile file in Windows

I create a file, write text to it, then I want to copy it. But the copy function returns false. As a directory to copy in the ... fore closing it and after. Always the answer is false. P. S. S. key_file.errorString(); outputs in both cases: Unknown error.

No such file or directory

D:\new openvpn\OpenVPN\qca\botantools\botan\botan\allocate.h:37: error: botan/botan/types.h: No such file or directory Who knows what the error is and how to fix it?

I can't understand how QPainterPath works in Qt

I'm dealing with drawing in Qt, trying to draw my own graphic shape using QPainterPath. To do this, I create the class Puzzle ... :Out)); view.setScene(&scene); view.show(); // ConfigurationDialog c; // c.show(); return a.exec(); }

Problems with Qt static compilation

There is a problem. I decided to do a static compilation on Qt 5.15.0 MinGW Windows 10. I decided to spend on an empty projec ... f collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status mingw32-make[1]: *** [Makefile.Release:74: release/Test_Static.exe] Error 1