
What is the profit from using Topshelf when building services over the traditional approach?

There is a Topshelf library with which you can create services and which many recommend. Actually, what is the profit from using Topshelf when building services over the traditional approach?

How the JIT compiler works в.NET Framework?

The book says that when you run a program, it is compiled into machine code from IL, and every time you run the program befor ... e compiled again from IL into machine code by the JIT compiler. Is it true? Is there any more information about this process?

How to delete.NET Framework 4.6?

Together with Visual Studio 2015, RTM installed .NET Framework 4.6, in connection with which I got a bunch of bugs related to ... tely? Two cases - delete from the developer machine (Windows 8.1) and delete from the build servers (Windows Server 2012R2).

How to translate text from one layout to another ("Home" -- > " Rschu")

There is a word in English Home it needs to be translated into the word Rschu. I.e. translate from English layout to Russi ... example, for the following translations: EN > RU RU > EN ES > EN EN > ES JA > EN ZH > EN AR > EN

Differences between the Find () and FirstOrDefault() methods when used with the Entity Framework

If you need to get a record from a database by its primary key, you can use both methods. Both methods will return the entity ... present in the database, otherwise they will return null. What is the difference between them and when which method to use?

Save Chart C# Chart to PDF

How do I save a chart built using Chart in PDF format?

DateTimePicker and WPF

Is it possible to connect DateTimePicker from WinForms to a WPF project?

Adding tables to SQL DB

Created the sql database file UserStore.mdf. I can't add a table in VS15 server explorer Also, when opening in SQL Management studio, I can't open this DB file. How do I add a table to this file?

How do I convert a decimal to a regular fraction?

Example: Getting the input 0.2 to get 1/5. The use of special libraries is not considered.

Working with WinRAR in C#

Tell me, how can I work with WinRAR in C#? I found an option using console mode, but maybe there is some convenient library ?

Error when starting VisualStudio debagging: The called object was disconnected from the clients

I can't understand what the problem is, regardless of the project, after some time after the IDE is idle(VisualStudio 2017), ... ect was disconnected from the clients" Only restarting Visual Studio helps. I run it like with admin rights, what can be?

Using Python 3 with C#

Hello! Is it possible to integrate python 3 and C#? There is an application in c# in which you want to add scripting funct ... is is not possible, are there any other scripting languages that integrate well with the CLR (not just at the Interop level)?

When can the System.Reflection.Emit namespace come in handy?

When the System. Reflection namespace might be useful.Emit ? It seems that .NET provides classes that allow you to generate dynamically assemblies in a high-level language. Why dive into the low level?

КриптоПро.NET SDK working with EDS

How to sign and encrypt a file using the library КриптоПро.NET SDK with a USB token? Alg. signature GOST 34.10-2001 (512 bits ... he p7s.p7m format. Its contents are separated by the tags ----- BEGIN PKCS7 ENCRYPTED ----- --- END PKCS7 ENCRYPTED -----

Large numbers

What are the means in .NET for working with large numbers? The BigInteger structure is not suitable due to the inability to work with fractions, the decimal type is not suitable due to the limited range of values.

How Select works

I don't understand the fragment .Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)). What exactly does it do .Select and what is this n? Wher ... teLine("Вводи значения через зяпятую(,) или точку с запятой(;)"); Func(Console.ReadLine()); } } } }

Error 407 when using cookies and proxy server

The code below works through a proxy server, pulling proxy settings from IE and credentials: HttpWebRequest myWebRequest = ... w Cookie(par, value) { Domain = target.Host }); } } else cc = null; How do I make the proxy skip requests with cookies?

Passing an Int array from C# to a Dll in C++

Trying to pass an Int array from C# to C++. An error pops up: Attempt to read or write to protected memory. This often in ... declaration string in the Dll: extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) bool __stdcall Find(int count, int *first_v, int *second_v)

Drawing rectangles and saving the resulting image to a file

Code public class Shape { public int X { get; set; } public int Y { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } ... from the toolkit .NET to use? I'm not I did a little digging in the System.Drawing namespace, but I couldn't get my bearings.

What is "program source code"?

Issued the TK, there are no problems with the TK itself. Only here is one point, I quote "it is necessary to send the source ... entire program, but only what is in the screenshot? And what is 3d party? google only provides a translation of this phrase