
C++ passing a lambda return value to a function

There is a function that simply outputs numbers from a vector. void test(std::vector<int> vec) { for(int item: vec ... ‘main()::’ to ‘std::vector I understand that as an argument the lambda itself is passed, but how to pass what it returns?

How do lambda functions work?

I'm trying to understand how lambda functions work and I saw on metanite how it does the following: delegate Operation (int ... thod is written directly? Please tell me how you can find similar constructions or something else to understand how it works

Why does the min function in Python work incorrectly?

You need to get the minimum value from tuple with the exception of zeros. I wrote this function: print(min(values, key=lambda ... 1, 0, 1, 0), prints 1, all correct, but if values = (0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0), prints 0. Tell me, please, what could be the problem?

What does "->" mean in Java?

I am studying this tutorial. Some screenshots have the -> construction, for example: vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany. ... d!"); } }); I've never encountered this before. Please tell me what it is and where you can read good materials about it.

Recursive lambda

I make a recursive lambda (for certainty - factorial). That's how everything works perfectly: std::function<int(int)> ... d - to use a named lambda inside an unnamed one (for example, the same f above), but this is still not quite what I wanted :)

How Select works

I don't understand the fragment .Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)). What exactly does it do .Select and what is this n? Wher ... teLine("Вводи значения через зяпятую(,) или точку с запятой(;)"); Func(Console.ReadLine()); } } } }

Custom comparator operation in lower bound and upper bound algorithms

The task is as follows: write a function that would get iterators for the beginning and end of the sorted vector and the pref ... that it is not possible to convert argument 1 from "const Tu" to "const std::string"in lambda. And what to do with all this?

What does it mean: a sign in java? [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... , in streams, sometimes in lambda expressions. What does it mean? What does List :: stream mean? P.S. And what is it called?