
g++ tells you to include a library that is already included

There is no error related to the crooked name The error itself-I'm trying to make a list of threads, but the 'thread' was no ... ange anything In the thread file itself, everything is under #if defined(_GLIBCXX_HAS_GTHREADS), can this somehow affect it?

The text is given. You need to change the case of the letters after the dot

The source text is typed with errors . Print the source text by replacing the lowercase (small) letters following the dot and ... nce(first.cbegin(), iter) + 1; transform(first.cbegin(), first.cend(), first.cbegin() + position, ::tolower(iter)); } '

Russian text in C++ console applications [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... return 0; } But it outputs to me not" I am a program", but some №;%:?*:%;№"№;%:?*. Why is this and how to deal with it?

How do I get an array or vector of words from a dictionary using less memory?

I'm new to c++. So there is a dictionary file. this is a text file with a size of 136 MB. rockyou.txt hence: https://github.c ... onary and at the same time remain within the amount of RAM occupied by no more than 2 x the size of the input dictionary MB.

Static class method

Why do I need to set a class method to zero using the static specifier? The variables in this method will also be static? What happens when multiple instances of a class are created? How will the whole case be stored in memory?

Implementation of the task using the c++stack

Task: divide the stack into 2 stacks. One has even numbers, the other has odd numbers. I got confused with the implementation ... t;< "Положили в нечётный стек:" << x << endl; }; } EvenPrint(begin1); OddPrint(begin2); }

Operator overload [][]

Overloading the [] operator is easy. But what if I need a two-dimensional array? How do I overload the [][] operator? If ... элемента массива "[]" не может быть функцией Here's how I declare: double& operator [][] (const int i, const int j);

How do the algorithms for calculating matlab matrices work?

How do matlab calculations work? In particular, how does it work with matrices? Can anyone explain, or give links to the rele ... gorithm, or perhaps my class is not optimized that much. Matlab also performs all other operations with matrices much faster.

What is the difference between references and pointers in C++

What is the fundamental difference between a reference and a pointer in C++? When is it better to use a reference, and when is a pointer? What are the limitations of the former, and what are the latter?

WinAPI: MapWindowPoints function working principle?

Please tell me how the MapWindowPoints function works. Of course, I read the description on MSDN and tried it, but I don't un ... hat values I specify in my_point. x and my_point. y. I don't understand what this function does or should do in the end ? :(

Connecting the vk-master library to a C++project

There is a ready-made skeleton of the project, I want to connect VK SDK for C++to it. I threw the vk-master folder into the p ... . The problem was not solved. Already 4 days such a problem, google is not able to solve my problem. I hope for Forum users)

switch for std:: string C++

Dear Gurus, tell me, is this approach acceptable for practical application: #include <functional> #include <iostrea ... ut: Assigning Derived_1 Assigning Derived_2 Assigning Derived_1 Assigning Derived_2 Assigning Derived_1 Assigning Derived_2

bitset c++ shift

cout << "\nВведите число с плавающей точкой: "; double a; cin >> a; auto b = std::bitset<64>(*(unsigned lon ... ft by 1 bit, I get 6.75418 e+154 in decimal form. How to fix this so that there is a correct shift and output in decimal ss.

What does boost::bind return?

What type of data is the return value boost::bind? I want to make a function that will accept the result of boost::bind, but ... rns. void work(int num){ std::cout << num << std::endl; } int main(){ auto test = boost::bind(work, 5); }

Why does the C/C++ time() function take an argument?

As I read on cppstudio, the function time(), when passing an argument that is not equal to NULL, returns the same value that ... time. Convince me that it is useless to pass it an argument other than NULL (you can simply dereference the pointer with *).

Practical application of the clique?

In graph theory, a clique of an undirected graph is a subset of its vertices, such that any two vertices of the subset are co ... puter network, another network, or even something that can be represented as a graph the need to search for this very clique?

How to get the code of the character that lies in Char

Using studio always just subtracted from this variable '0' In mingv this does not work the question is why?

Cppreference.com or cplusplus.com?

I use it cplusplus.com, not always going into details, but recently I heard about cppreference.com. So that's the difference? In Google, I could only find what is on cplusplus.com there are mistakes. I would like to hear your opinion.

C++ Operators, overloading operations

I was told that the memory is not working correctly in this operator, who can tell me what is the "not working correctly"? Ma ... ix(arr1, k, M); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { delete[]arr1[i]; } delete[]arr1; return *x; }

Inheritance and use of a static vector in C++

There is a base class in which I need to have a static vector, where I will enter some values in the constructors of the inhe ... allocator@N@std@@@std@@A)" How right organize a vector in the base class so that all the inheritors can enter values in it?