
Lock-free ordered list

There is a method for inserting an item into an ordered list. Will it be correct for lock-free? template< typename _Pred & ... ck. P. s.: strange all the same regulations on the Hash Code about comments, why can't you control their number individually?

Warning C26451 | Arithmetic overflow

DWORD DecimalBaseAddr = GetModuleBase (gameName, pID); cout << "The Base Address is: " << DecimalBaseAddr << ... I looked at GetLastError () - outputs error 12b, that is, ReadProcessMemory() is not fully executed, what could be the error?

Command to press the play/pause button in the player

Now many players (Windows Media, PowerDVD, etc.) use the universal play/pause button. Tell me, is there a universal way to send the command to press this button in the application window?

C2440: Unable to convert const char* to PVOID

I am writing a joke program that will change the image of the desktop: An error occurred in one of the lines of code: System ... wears that it is impossible to convert const char* to PVOID. I think I missed something somewhere. What could be the problem?

WinAPI: MapWindowPoints function working principle?

Please tell me how the MapWindowPoints function works. Of course, I read the description on MSDN and tried it, but I don't un ... hat values I specify in my_point. x and my_point. y. I don't understand what this function does or should do in the end ? :(

Syntax for writing C values

Hello everyone, I came across an article on the Internet on working with memory in C++, where I found this line of code: *(PD ... sterisk sign at the beginning, but at the same time there is a conversion to the pointer to DWORD type, why specify it twice?

Cancel HttpSendRequest in WinInet

I omitted part of the code for readability, but the essence, I think, is clear. I call the page loading via WinInet, I hang t ... ); except On E: Exception do Result:= AnsiString('Ошибка! ' + E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message); end; end; end.

How to work with WinAPI

Hello. Do not tell me how to work with WimApi in C# (in a console application or forms) I want to use such a dll function so ... se I have never encountered the work of WinAPI, but I can not imagine how it should look. Thank you in advance for your help.

Drawing in C++ WinAPI

There is a code that allows you to draw white circles. #include "Windows.h" void DrawDot(HDC hdc, HDC hMemDC, RECT rcTarget ... alculate this variable based on the difference in the coordinates of two points. Still remain relevant questions 1, 3, 4.

c++ mingw-64 winapi MENUITEMINFO add icon

Windows 7, mingw-w64 "g++ (i686-win32-dwarf-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0" Hi, I'm learning winapi menus, I want t ... resources.o -o main.exe -mwindows -mconsole -municode -lcomctl32 But my icons don't want to output, what am I doing wrong?

The WinAPI application eats up all the CPU time

Why? LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc; static Car A; ... float dx) { degree += dx; } void CheckCollision( /*const GameClass& A */ ) { } }; Eats constantly.

Delphi SendMessage

Good afternoon. I run the command line (cmd.exe) and try to send it a message that the Enter key is pressed, I do this: var ... use, this is the name of the window I'm looking for). But this method does not want to work, perhaps there are still options?

Call the GetSystemInfo function via the assembler

I have a GetSystemInfo function that is built into winapi (sysinfoapi.h), how do I call it? And then put the function call re ... mentation: That's all I could find.

Programmatically changing the attributes of files on an "infected" flash drive

Good day to all (evening, morning). Tell me the answer to this question: for each sysadmin, it is no secret that periodically ... e the attributes of "damaged" objects in these programs? How does it work? Thank you for the answer. P.S. F-ai WinAPI looked.

vba macros Excel 2016: Bag-Windows (). Activate and Woorkbooks (). Activate are not executed periodically

Macros written in VBA Excel 2010 (in the file nameFile) using Application.Windows(nameFile).Activate periodically stop workin ... w sizes of the XLMAIN, EXCEL7 classes, so as not to execute the command once again: Application.WindowState = xlMaximized ?

The LPVOID type and how to use it (C++)

Hello. Recently I started working with data channels, well, those that are NamedPipe. The functions of writing and reading ... e, which is declared via new char (the compiler skips, but error 998 occurs when reading Invalid access to memory location.)

Processing messages for the tray icon in the console application

The task is to make the console(required) application collapse to the tray. That is, the window was hidden, and an icon appea ... ll? And what else do you need to do so that when you click on the icon, the window receives a message and starts its handler?

How to determine the bit depth of the operating system by means of.NET?

There is a C# application for Win 7, during the execution of which you need to determine whether it is running on the 32 or 64 bit version of the OS. Is it possible to do this with .NET or is it necessary to use "workarounds"?

Differences between the SendMessage and postMessage functions

What is the difference between SendMessage and PostMessage?

Draw a line on the image and move it

I want to draw a line or group of lines programmatically on an image and then manipulate them (move, resize, rotate). The lin ... d then the image is saved with the positions of these lines. Are there any enterprise / open source software APIs for this?