
select with ng-options does not display the selected item

The list model is as follows: tarifs = [{_id:{$oid:"5e03f33472222f1f4a91af45"}, name: "новый" }, ...] HTML is like this ... "5e03f33472222f1f4a91af45"} == {"$oid": "5e03f33472222f1f4a91af45"} < false And track by doesn't work for some reason.

When to use scope.$apply();

Chesno, no wonder they write that this is a difficult topic to understand. I didn't understand, and neither did most. Where ... browser events are called outside the scope of AngularJS, so you need to call them inside your event handlers $scope.$apply.

How to interpolate text from input. Angular

How to interpolate text from input to "p" or another block by pressing enter.

Notifications from the site in Telegram via BotFather

Please tell me how to connect BotFather to my angular? I created a new bot in Telegram, find out my account ID in Telegram, a ... t;/textarea> <button class="bttn" type="submit">Отправить</button> </form>

How can I adjust the size of the image to the size of the container, if their dimensions are unknown?

I use Bootstrap 3, Angular-gridster. You need to make a block with a title and content, similar to panel with panel-heading a ... n sizeY is incorrectly calculated, which is less likely, or the height of the panel-content (or rather, the pictures inside)

The first record is saved the subsequent ones are not

How do I properly trigger a save in a loop? The problem is with asynchronous calls. You need to somehow call the save functio ... console.log(response); }.bind(this), function (response) { console.log(response); }); };

How to use multiple $index in nested ng-repeat for angular.js

I'm trying to write a small application in angular for an online store. Now in the application, one directive ng-repeat pas ... ot know if it is possible in the angle to get both indexes in different variables. I will be grateful for your suggestions.

ng-click event on angular

I'm studying the Angular js framework. Using the directive ng-click - I want to get the event object (which was clicked on) I ... } } }); <input type="text" class="for-open-in53" placeholder="Укажите специализацию" ng-click="show($event)">

Angular + Yandex Maps API

The second day I'm trying to get AngularJS to show Yandex Map using ya-maps The reason why I can't do this is probably the m ... () { $ = new ymaps.Map("map", mapOptions); }) } }); I hope for your help!

Draw a graph

Need help drawing the graph. There can be any number of elements with different weights. Depending on the weight, the size o ... s inside the elements. I tried using vis.js, but it seems not particularly flexible for the implementation of such a graph.

angular jqLite error

Good afternoon, I get an error when connecting the service angular.js:13236 Error: [jqLite:nosel] Looking up elements via se ... By the link specified in the error text I didn't find anything intelligible.

Rendering of the angular Jade template

On node uses the koa framework.js (but it doesn't matter, it can be any). Template engine - jade. There is a page that Angu ... de did not fit, because I want to load the pieces of templates without reloading, and node overloads the page, unfortunately.

Find the percentage difference between 2 numbers

There is a formula: 100*(y-x)/x Yes calculates like norms, for example x = 10, y = 20 shows a difference of 100% all good. ... ld be clearly less than -100. There is also a condition that any number can be either positive or negative. example on Fiddle

the angular controller does not work

angular.module('MyApp', ['ngMaterial', 'ngMessages', 'material.svgAssetsCache']) .controller('AppCtrl', fu ... [$controller:ctrlreg]$controller/ctrlreg?p0=AppCtrl can't figure out what the problem is

AngularJS: Ng:init - how do I assign a dynamic ng:model?

Hello everyone. There is an ng: repeat, created using json (methods), inside it a number of radio buttons are created, which ... clear. The problem is that as I understand it, ng:init is triggered before methods can be formed. What should I do? Thanks.

How to properly configure $stateProvider in ui-router (angular) to work with two ui-views?

There are two named ui-views on the form <div ui-view="form"></div> <div ui-view="body"></div> In ... ;/div> is empty. Tell me how to properly configure $stateProvider, so that the content from the body does not disappeared.

Why does ng-click not work? Angular 1

<td header-class="'w25p'" ng-click="table.redirect($event)" data-title="'Дата платежа/на балансе'" sortable="'dateOfPaymen ... event){ console.log('клик'); } redirect($event); // просто для начала хочу вывести в консоль клик.

Angular ng-options directive

There is a task to change the user's role in the system. In order to change the role, you need to select it from the drop-dow ... ADMIN" }, { key:"operator", value:"ROLE_OPERATOR" }, ... ] P. S Angularjs I've been studying recently.

Angular. Ui-router and access rights to the template

Connected the Ui-router. Displays three different templates in different locations. We send a certain parameter (aka statePar ... Is this also solved via resolve, or is there something more elementary? And then $rootScope can't be used in $stateProvider

Angular 2 and Typescript Inheritance

There are two components in which there are two identical functions. Based on the principles of OOP, it is most logical to pu ... how to design and in which folder to put the new class and, in general, is a similar approach used with respect to Angular?