
Java, how to get the value of the annotation parameter?

There is a class marked with the @haveArea annotation with the name parameter, how to get the parameter value. @haveArea( ... this.a = a; this.b = b; } @returnArea void getArea() { System.out.println(a * b); } }

Automatically add notes (captions) to a bar chart

Hello, forumchane. I'm currently working with lists in Python. It turned out to build a diagram, referring to data from two ... nd-Moscow, etc. The function should perform this operation automatically, simply referring to the list. Thank you in advance.

Examples of writing annotations @OneToMany @OneToOne @ManyToMany @ManyToOne [Hibernate]

Interested in how to create entities with annotations: @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ManyToMany Also variations with bidirectional and unidirectional It would also be nice to add explanations like Cascade.**