
Authorization on the site via another site

Good time to all of you. There is a task. On my site there is authorization, you need to make sure that when filling in the l ... ied to hack, but I can't figure out how to form an authorization request and redirect the user. Tell me something practical.

Get the product property

Good time of day. Please tell me how to get the property of the product, more precisely, I need the brand of the product. I h ... nd property called CELL_BRAND, computers have PC_BRAND, etc. the meaning of these brand fields is having only the product id?

How to enable the CNC in the bitrix news.list component

The site has an inform folder with 2 files in it index.php and detail.php In the file index.php the news.list component is ca ... gt; <?/*if($arParams["DISPLAY_BOTTOM_PAGER"]):?> <?=$arResult["NAV_STRING"]?> <?endif;*/?> </ul>

Bitrix news: list sorting

A large number of regional subdomains are connected to one site. In the info block settings, the REGION property is set, by w ... way to correctly and without crutches add the necessary condition to the query, without rewriting half of the bitrix methods?

Bitrix, AJAX, main.feedback sending a form

Created a pop-up feedback form by creating your own component based on main.feedback. Connected it in the footer with the par ... dation(filling in the required fields), no errors are displayed, but the form is simply closed. Maybe someone fixed this bug.

How does password recovery work?

Hello everyone I can't understand how the password recovery component works (bitrix:system. auth.forgotpasswd). Connecting ... .forgotpasswd", ".default", Array() ); The purpose of the parameter{[6] is still unclear]} back_url=%2Fpersonal%2Forder%2F

How do I output text from an html file to a Bitrix php page template?

There is a file /docs/test-text.html on the server.It contains the entry <div class="sample"><p>Пример текста< ... cript in a php template so that this text is already ready, with the applied styles, is displayed on the site page?CMS Bitrix

Adding a date, bitrix

Hello everyone, I need to output what number a new element was added to the info block, I found the TIMESTAMP_X property, but it outputs along with the clock, but how do I output only the date?

Get the ID of the image knowing only its path (Bitrix API)

Tell me how you can easily get the ID of the image knowing only the path to the file (/upload/iblock/212/21232121288522265c92 ... need the inverse function CFile:: GetById. It seems somehow possible via CFile:: getList, but I can't understand how. Thanks.

How do I add order properties after checkout?

I try to update the order property, but the property is not written, I tried to declare{[3] in different ways]} 1st option: ... gt;getId()); $somePropValue->save(); } } } } Can you tell me how to make it work?

Problems in Bitrix with default socket timeout and max input vars

Friends, hello everyone) I have never worked with bitrix, so I need your help. The photo shows the errors. In php. ini, every ... should be, that is, all parameters and values are as it requires. The mistakes are the same, so we need your advice. Thanks)

"Access denied!" when connecting images to 1C Bitrix

The problem is this, the site is on 1C Bitrix. There is a folder local, in it a folder templates(templates). And there I crea ... to default, the images are connected normally. Maybe someone knows what to do? As a server I use-openserver, OS-windows 10.

Related drop-down lists in the Bitrix admin panel

There are two directories in the Bitrix CMS, for example, "Country" and "Region" by ISO_3166-2 Starny: Russia, Great Britain, ... odel, and we would like a universal solution. Please share your experience or at least tell me what to read and where to dig.

Automatic creation of an image for the product announcement in the catalog from additional images of 1C Bitrix

Faced with this situation In the online store, all products in the catalog have images uploaded via the multiple property of ... $el = new CIblockElement(); $el->Update($arItem['ID'],$arFields); } } }

Add a field to the Bitrix mail template

I'm racking my brain for the second day, please tell me how I can change the mail template so that when a customer makes an o ... and subsection of this product???? If it has weight, then I use the solution from aspro... Here's what it looks like now -

How do I edit a property when creating an order?

Hello everyone Trying to edit a property when creating an order: use Bitrix\Main; Main\EventManager::getInstance()->addEv ... "</li>")) } } } }) } Can you tell me what the problem is ?

How can bitrix not display the elements of a component (directory) by an arbitrary condition?

There is a directory with sections and elements in them. In the USER there are additional fields where you can mark the eleme ... y is displayed for all users. So how do I not display sections/components that are not marked in the user's additional field?

How do I change the upload file of the yandex market for business module in 1c-bitrix?

Please help me, I really need to change the upload code for Yandex market, add a condition to it. you need to correct the xml ... e to some file from this folder. there is a file vendormodel.php, but I can not understand where it is written to the upload?

Bitrix init.php

Creating a file init.php in bitrix, when it is empty , everything is fine, the site works, but when I write even minimal code ... omain, it shows a lot of question marks and a link to the bitrix software documentation .settings.php How can this be solved?

How to style a placemark in the Yandex.Maps API?

Tell me how to style the Yandex map label using your own API in the map component.yandex.view. If I understand everything co ... Accordingly, the preset key indicates the preset label style. However, the label is displayed with the default style.