
Animation of links in "wave" forms in CSS

Good afternoon! Please tell me how to make something like this animation in CSS: Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxXFzbfud_w ... other question about this animation: is it possible to make the letters paint in a certain color when hovering over the wave?

css correct layout of background images

You need to make up this one the block (header) is adaptive. How to do such a thing correctly, make each picture a separate ... ne block in which the background will be like one whole picture. There will still be text in the center.I do it on bootstrap.

I don't understand the nesting of classes/selectors in css

I make a menu that should pop up when the screen is smaller than the specified one. Everything works as it should, the questi ... t is important if only without a space between div and. menu why doesn't applying only class or class and li (.menu li) work?

How to draw a cone in CSS?

I want to make a Gunther from "Adventure Time", namely a beak like in this picture: How to draw such a beak (cone) using CSS?

From CSS Grid Layout to Table

You need to make the Footer start where the Content ends. That is, to make the grid behave like a table, so that the new ro ... we had before so this column is now quite tall.</div> <div class="box footer">Footer</div> </div>

Layout of the order form (without JS) - HTML, CSS

How to properly make up part of the order form? There are 4 clothing sizes and a "order" button. If I understand correctly, t ... ogrammer will code in PHP, if I make the size buttons just links, then this data will not be sent to the server as form data.

Animated arrow in SVG format

This is my first experience using SVG, and I want to see if it is possible to create an animated line graph with an arrow. ... see any working examples that would help in my situation. Question translation: SVG Animated Graph Arrow @alexandraleigh

Transparency and blurring of the block's color background

How do I make the block both transparent and blurry like in the notification center in Windows 10 using CSS? I already know ... nt (by 0.5, for example) and blurry (no more than 5px), and have color as its background? This is the most important thing.

CSS display property:flex behaves inadequately

Hello, who knows what the problem might be? I put display:flex;, but it behaves inadequately: there are no indents, the lengt ... <div class="gallery"> <span class="galtext">Rent a Car</span> </div> </div>

HTML+CSS?+JS Text Slider

There is a website template: http://demo.flytheme.net/themes/sm_style/index.php/ There's a text slider on top of it: That ... w to do it yourself. I do not use libraries for this project, because I want to improve my knowledge of the web(html,css,js).

font-size depending on the length of the text itself

There is a block of fixed width (let's say 500px), changing the length of the text in it, you need to keep the font in it constantly "adjusted" to the width of the parent and always in one line. Maximum size 40px. p. s. customer pervert got caught =)

How do I make a shadow on just one side?

I want to make a shadow at the div block, but so that it is only on one side-on top. Original style: div { box-shad ... ep the current positioning). The shadow is still present on the sides anyway. As everyone how to achieve the desired result?

Changing the mouse cursor cursor:(path to icon), pointer;

Gentlemen, I read the documentation, everything seems to be clear and easier than a steam pen... .cur { wi ... The question is, what am I doing it wrong??? As I understand it, the cur format works everywhere, but the others don't...

How do I hide part of an image correctly?

There is an image in the format <img src="/">, how to hide crop the corner of the image? And if the image is set as the bg background?

Analogous to justify content: space beetwen for vertical?

Here with justify content space beetwen, all the elements harmoniously occupy the entire width, and is there something similar only vertically so that they occupy the entire height

How do I make a background from dots on css?

How to make a css background of dots? .bg { width: 100%; height: 50px; background: url(https://sport.mail.ru/img/_main/subnav.png) } <div class="bg"></div>

Linear gradient, how to make a clear gradient according to the scheme?

Question c mail.ru but it was the implementation that interested me ! How to implement such a gradient: I tried this way bu ... ar-gradient(45deg, red 20%, yellow 20%, red 30%, yellow 30%); } How to implement it correctly according to the scheme ?

How to make an emboss effect on CSS?

The text in Photoshop is made with the effect of embossing, how to do it on CSS?

Automatic addition of display styles: none!important

When pulling the template on the django engine, I ran into a problem. {% for image in images %} <li><img class = " ... ethod that affects this, or maybe you can somehow interrupt important(although I think nothing, since it is assigned inline).

How do I center the title bar? (vertical)

#name { font-family: Comic Sans, Comic Sans MS, cursive; position: absolut; text-align: center; color: #ffff ... /li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div> <h1 id="name"> Название</h1> </div>