
how to insert svg via tag?

I try to insert svg in this way: <img src="/assets/menu/menubutton.svg"> but nothing works (the assets file is in the r ... und"/> <line x1="20" y1="50" x2="50" y2="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg>

How to implement animation of smooth morphing of image borders?

There is a picture, when hovering, its borders should start to randomly float, bend, until the cursor is removed. As far as ... ted to svg morphing, but I didn't find an example. Only pure svg animation, no picture. Maybe someone has a specific example?

Chessboard - one formula

I noticed that in chess problems they often draw the board using the condition that if the remainder of the division by 8 is ... { background-image: url(''); } <div id="board"></div>

the user establishes a link between objects on the konva canvas.js using lines

An application on "Webix", which should graphically display the connections between incoming data (input) that pass through s ... s"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

Where to get svg, png icons and how to use them for different screen resolutions?

I can't find the icon in svg, so I decide to add it using a regular png. I want to make everything look good regardless of th ... look for the 2x, 3x versions of images? Does the designer add them to the layout himself? Or are you looking for it yourself?

Animate smooth color changes using SVG or CSS

<svg viewBox="0 0 520 520" width="500" style='border: 1px solid black'> <defs> <linearGradient id="MyGr ... top> </linearGradient> </defs> <circle cx="75" cy="75" r="70" fill="url(#MyGradient)"/> </svg>

Make an analog of border-radius for svg circle?

There is such a progress bar with svg. Is it possible to somehow make the circle have rounded edges when the values are < ... t;/svg> </div> <label for="percent">Type a percent!</label> <input id="percent" name="percent">

SVG Why CSS animation stroke-dashoffset doesn't work

Tell me why the animation of the "growing line" stroke-dashoffset does not work ? .box_success__img { width: 60px; } ... </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

SVG Animation of the gradual appearance of stroke-dasharray

After repeated attempts to animate a circle with the stroke-dasharray property, I came up with a variant of nesting circle in ... parts. I want to make an animation of the unfolding of the block, but so that all this is in parts (see the second object).

Define a viewBox for svg, if it is not present in the svg itself

There are two svgs. In the first case, the svg has the specified viewBox="0 0 57.21 126.47" & ... oad this svg in the canva constructor, then it will define the size 57.21 126.47 even if the width/height/viewBox is not set.

Why is it that when you specify only the viewBox, the SVG is displayed on the entire browser screen?

Please tell me why the viewBox does not work for svg(the image of the cross).): <svg style="border: 1px solid red" viewBox ... rendered very large. Why is this happening and how is it happening fix it? Example: Thanks!

CSS and SVG animation what is their fundamental difference?

There are two ways (we do not take the others) to create animation in the Web: SVG and CSS. What is their fundamental diff ... y="198" cx="302.5" fill-opacity="null" stroke-opacity="null" stroke-width="3" fill="none"/> </g> </svg>

How do I make such a 2.5 d background?

2.5 d background on the page how can I do this?

How do I change the size of an svg icon (html,css)?

Код html: <div class="header-logo"><img src="img\logo.svg" alt=""> </div> Код css: .header-logo { width: 30px; height: 30px; }

How to change the color of an embedded SVG image in base64 format

The finished library uses a built-in SVG image in the format: background-image: url(' ... HJlZj0iI3JheiIvPg0KPC9nPg0KPC9nPg0KPC9zdmc+'); I would like to change the colors used in the image. How can this be done?

How to add SVG code to wordpress

I have an SVG animation: var lineDrawing = anime({ targets: '#lineDrawing path', strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDash ... de in the right block instead of yoga. Perhaps someone knows how easy it is to find the path to the files? Code on codepen

SVG icon is not output via background-image CSS

Why is the svg icon added via background-image CSS not displayed? Code: .icon-social{ display: inline-block; wid ... 1.7 12.6-31.7 31.1v40.8h63.5l-8.3 64.1h-55.2v189.5c107-30.7 185.3-129.2 185.3-246.1z"/></svg> Link to JSFiddle

Automatically change the SVG color depending on the color of the image under the SVG

There is a logo, in svg. I need to change the color of the logo white or black depending on the dominant color under the lo ... iv> </body> </html> P.S. Maybe there are other ways to solve my problem? Thank you in advance.

Polygon and path (Svg patterns)

What is the difference between path and polygon? Which one of them is desirable to use in svg patterns. Example: < ... 80 20,20 0,0" stroke="orange" stroke-width="2" fill="gray" transform="translate(65,20)"/> </svg> </div>