
How do I switch between branches in git when there are unsaved changes in the current branch?

I have a project. Located in the project folder. Initializing Git, creating a new branch: git init git add . git commit -m ' ... t the project folder contains not the files that I am currently working on feature, but those that were in the master branch?

Merge the master and main branches

I created a project and the main branch was master, made commits, and started it. It turns out that the main branch contains only .gitignore, and only the master branch is visible on the computer. How do I merge them into main?

Git merge request How to use code from a still-unapproved merge request

Let's say there is GitLab and I need to do two tasks and create a separate merge request for each one. For the first task, I ... approved. What should I do? Maybe to perform the second task it was necessary to create a new branch from the previous one?

How do I replace the master branch with another branch?

The situation is as follows: there was a branch master. At some point, the new_feature branch separated from it. Then the mai ... now possible to somehow make the branch master a branch, for example, old_version, and make the branch new_feature master-ом?

How do I delete a local branch that was created from another branch?

I wanted to create a new branch from the master in IntelliJ IDEA, but instead accidentally created a branch from another bran ... nch, in this case "hm6"? Perhaps there were similar questions, but I do not want to aggravate the situation by wrong actions

Git doesn't switch or show branches

Please explain to me, a stupid woman, why this thing does not want to do such elementary things as, for example, switch to t ... branches! Rename also failed $ git branch -m master error: refname refs/heads/develop not found fatal: Branch rename failed

Creating a new git branch

I want to pour it on the github. When I switch (git checkout) between branches that I previously created, everything in the d ... , followed this branch, and I see that my very first homework is in it, but it shouldn't be like this. What am I doing wrong?

How do I rename the main Git branch?

I had a project that I can't upload normally to gitlab, and this time everything seemed to work out fine, but when I write in ... ey@aleksey:~/Downloads/NTZ/FittingRoom$ git branch -a * master remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/master

How do I delete a Git branch both locally and remotely?

I want to delete a branch both locally and remotely from a project on GitHub. Locally deleted > git branch -D feature/ex ... actually deleted? The following command pull shows this. What should I do to delete a branch both locally and on the server?

Switches to the Git branch

C:\Work\prohabits-ui-html2>git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: ----(ссылка удалена) Push URL: ----( ... ui-html2>git checkout admin-settings-teams error: pathspec 'admin-settings-teams' did not match any file(s) known to git.

What is the difference between track, set-upstream-to and set-upstream?

I can't understand the topic of "tracking branches" There are 3 commands that sort of expose tracking to a remote branch fo ... ream-to git branch --set-upstream To me, they do the same thing. I don't understand, why then there are already 3 of them?

When you push, the branch on the github does not appear

I made a fork, cloned the repository, created a branch, now when I do git push on GitHub, the branch does not appear. But after I did git push --all appeared. Is this how it should be?