
Hash function, hash table

I can't make protection from entering an existing tab number. The function itself is prov. Here's how to use it correctly? I ... ////////////////////////////// void del (info g) { int i=hesh(g.tab); if (search) T[i].tab=NULL; }

C++, from a list of words of length 3 or 4, find words that are palindromic

The challenge: To develop the functions hash with the properties of h(a,b,c)= h(c,b,a) and h(a,b,c,d)= h(d,c,b,a). For a list ... e a search for the number of palindromes from the letters of the palindrome (which can also be meaningless, but palindromes.

The difference between a text-based MD5 hash sum and a file-based hash sum

There is a program whose essence is to accept an HTTP request with a file and in the response you need to send an MD5 hash am ... he amount from the file. I check it in Notepad++. Help teach the Windows service build to calculate a hash based on the text

Stat sum, hashing, checksum for comparing two text strings.

There is the following task, let's say there are text strings of the same length. Let's say only the letters ABCD are used. ... is no way to compare them by complex criteria. I want to group them into clusters by the total constant part of the checksum.

Evaluate the hash table implementation

In the county town N, a competitive selection was held and the task was given: "implement a hash table". The task seems to be ... ewTable.find("Ilaj"); if ( search ) { cout << search->surname << endl; } return 0; }

Python. Hashlib. How do I convert a hash string to an md5 hash object?

I want to speed up the brutus of passwords in the dictionary. Now hashlib.md5(word.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() is executed o ... that I can discard .hexdigest() and make a comparison between two md5 hash objects, rather than between hexadecimal strings?

Why is it recommended to use the value 31 when redefining your own hash code?

Who can explain this piece of code ? I've seen it in the examples, but I don't quite understand how such a hash code works ... 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (int) re; result = prime * result + (int) im; return result; }

How to calculate MD5 hash and SHA1 hash for an unordered finite set

Good time of day. Task: implement the hashMd5() method for a class representing a NON-ORDERED finite set so that it returns a ... ays will be obtained and therefore different MD5 hashes will be calculated. Question: actually, how can I solve this problem?

How will hash (hash) be in Russian?

For writing theses, they require the use of only Russian words, and not borrowed from the English language. For example, you ... rd "digest". I saw the translation of "message summary" in wikipedia, but there are no materials where such a phrase is used.

Connecting auto-acceptance with Perfect Money

Hello comrades, here I was given an interesting problem that I myself for some reason can not solve, and I ask for your help. ... he code run: mail("[email protected]", "ewwefef", "Good"); Help please, This is the third day I've been breaking my brain...

hash table in js

The question is strange. Does js have a built-in hash function for hash tables? I was looking for information, but I didn't find it. I also saw that an associative array and a hash table are the same Explain to me what's what

Generating a hash to recover a PHP user's password

I wondered how to do a user password recovery, but without using the database to store the generated hash for the password re ... check what hash the user gave. But what about the second point? If you put another timestamp in the hash, it will not work.

Tell me the simplest hash function implemented in VKScript?

VKScript is a JavaScript-like language, completely stripped down, supporting only a few constructs and operators. It runs on ... &~(a&b), just like the offset with padding: a >>> b == (a >> b) & (a<<(32 - b)), provided b

Selecting a hashing algorithm to get the hash value of a file

Currently, I use sha1_file() to get the hash value of the file. But, for a long time there is a function hash_file(), for whi ... alue of a file? * sha1_file() was chosen based on statistical data, which stated that sha1_file() is more popular than md5().

Why do collisions occur?

As you know, the situation when different objects have the same hash codes is called a collision. The probability of a collis ... , why does it arise? Is it really hard to come up with a "protection" against the occurrence of a collision? Who thinks what?

MonoTorrent-Getting *. torrent from the Magnet link

I have a torrent hash (MD5). The question is how to use MonoTorrent to download a torrent file. This can be done using a meth ... s = manager.Torrent.Files.ToList(); However, files turns out to be empty. The MagnetLink constructor probably doesn't work.

Selecting a part of the password by brute force attack (brute force attack) by mask and sha-256

I have a piece of the password *elp** (instead of asterisks, there should be characters to pick up), but I know from it sha25 ... ,"v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"] a = b'Hello' sha = hashlib.sha256(a).hexdigest() print(sha)

Hash sum for file version control

There is a game client with about 2000 files ranging in size from a few kilobytes to hundreds of megabytes. All files are bin ... the client at the moment it takes about 5-10 minutes (that's about 11 gigabytes of data on disk), depending on the computer.

The meaning of the hash() function in HashMap (java 7 and java 8)

In Java 7, the hash() function of the HashMap class looks like this: /** * Applies a supplemental hash function to a given ... : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16); } What is its meaning? Part (key == null) ? 0 : does not raise any questions.

Calculation of collisions at CRC32

The question arose - if there is a value of the function CRC32, for example - a50985e0 which was obtained from an array of by ... string Hello will give only 1 any other string of characters will give no more than 1 collision. Is there such a lawfulness?