
How do I change the background of a text field?

<input type=text> How do I change the input background using CSS?

Get value from input

Hi! You need to get the value of the filled field: var mailData = $("input.for-mail").val(); If the value is filled in manua ... the inspector, the entered value is not written to value at all for some reason). How do I get the data entered in the input?

Analog of end = '\r' in input in python

In python, as you know, the print() command has end = '\r'. If it exists, the line will not start with a new line, but will c ... ll you right away-I tried to write this. But the code says that input has no end. Is there an end analog for input in python?

How do I insert a red * in placeholder?

<input type="text" id="reviews_nm" class="input_field" placeholder="Ваше имя*" name="name"> So that the * sign is red?

Processing input radio

There is an input field, which, depending on the selected settings, performs either the function of adding to the database, o ... tion(response){ $("#resSearch").html(response); } }); return false; }); });

How to remove the stroke when clicking on input

When you click and focus on input, an outline appears. How do I remove it?

Removing jquery input mask characters

Please tell me how to remove characters from input. Now only the last character is deleted. $(function() { $("#phone ... dle.js"></script> <input type="text" id="phone"> <input type="button" value="DEL" onclick="del_ch();">

Single quote in the php text field

There is a text field named nickname. From it, the value is passed to the database. $insert = mysqli_query($link,"INSERT IN ... POST[game_class]','$_POST[Eternal]')"); But if the value contains a single quote, it outputs an error. Invalid sql syntax.

How to combine the inputmask plugin and the forbidden characters check in one input for email, which will show the wrong character and immediately remove it

There is an inputmask plugin that prohibits any input except for certain characters and creates a mask '_ @ _ . _' You need t ... mail" type="text"> On my test site, 2 inputs, one with a script, the second with a mask

I can't style input type= "file" the plugin is not picked up jquery.fileinput.min.js

I decided to try to style input type="file" for my player. I found various articles and decided to resort to the simplest met ... ng) no-repeat; width: 60px; height: 40px; } Why it does not catch the plugin jquery.fileinput.min.js please tell me?

How to change the text location in input

we need to make it so that the input text immediately begins to be entered at the top and not in the middle, thank you html ... er: none; border-radius: 7px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #676767; background-color: #e5e5e5; }

Keyboard input with a timeout in Python. How do I make the program not wait forever?

The program starts, and should by default wait 100 seconds for the user's response, but waits forever until there is no input ... - сразу, *- через 10 часов(ничего не введено)') s = input('') if s ==1: work() else: time.sleep('36000') work()

Js Is it possible to get video resolution from input?

I can find out the resolution (width and / or height) of an image from the input with the following code: var url = URL.crea ... th); }; img.src = url; How do I find out the resolution (width and / or height) of a video(mp4) from input using JS/jquery?

Angular Reactive Forms, I can't output checkboxes that are formed from incoming data

There is a form with filters. I create the form via FormBuilder. There are no problems with static data, but I can't cope wit ... e project is educational, first I made it on pure JS, now I want to finish it on Angular. I would be very grateful for a tip.

android-javascript keydown event

There is a need to catch keystrokes when entering a field of the input type, including Backspace. On desktop browsers, the code works perfectly, but on mobile browsers, the event is not even called. Help me find an alternative, please.

Problem with input to C while waiting for scanf at the same time

The problem is that when you first press ctrl+c, then enter a word with a length of 5 characters, then in main, 5 characters ... ) { signal(SIGINT, sigHandlr); // Ненадежные сигналы char asd[10]; scanf("%s", asd); printf("%s\n", asd); }

Javascript jQuery.change(); event. on Input[type= " file"]

Here is an example of a simple code <input type="file" name="file" id="input"> <button id="click">CLICK</butt ... } } } ); } ); } }

Character-by-character console input via Java 8 Stream

How can I convert console input in a Stream of characters. I tried this combination: new BufferedReader(new Input ... r(Character::isDigit) .map(Character::getNumericValue) .limit(3) .toArray();

Clearing the cin input buffer

Hello. There is a code. char friend_sex = 0; //check if sex is valid bool ok_sex = false; //--------------------- while (! ... the input buffer is cleared of the remaining ones. Please advise the buffer clearing function (cin. clear () does not work).

Required field 2

Hello everyone! I need help. There is a validation script for the required field. The script works correctly, and in the righ ... </div> <input name="submit" class="fbutton" value="Регистрация" title="Регистрация" type="submit"> </form>