
Relational database model with SKU

I am creating a system for selling products and I need that these products can have different prices according to their size ... el I created would this be possible? Follows the model: If anyone wants to import the template into your MySQL Workbench.

Number of characters of CPF, CNPJ and RG

I'm making a program that needs to validate a series of documents-CPF, CNPJ, and if possible, RG. My questions are as follo ... format common: if yes, which minimum number and which number maximum characters for an RG to be valid?

When is the use of composite primary key recommended?

A Simple key is associated with a single value, or field, in the record. A compound key corresponds to the combination o ... ple. In what situations is it recommended to use the composite primary key? And when it is better to use simple primary key?

DeadLock at the level of conceptual design, entity-relationship modeling (MER)

At the conceptual design level we can use the approach (relationship entity modeling (MER)) to describe the behavior of futur ... I just read the Chapter 7 Source: database systems 6th edition, authors: Elmasri, Ramez Navathe, Shamkant B. Year: 2011

Object orientation - how to find the right abstractions?

Actually the question I'm wanting to ask is exactly this: how to identify classes in an object-oriented system?. However, I w ... ead of finding the most appropriate one is also incorrect, finding the right abstractions seems a little harder than before.

Conceptual model

I was looking at the conceptual model diagrams, I saw some that contains the attributes and entities like this: And other ... ? If it is necessary to declare the attributes, what is done when a Entity has a huge amount of attributes, like 30 or more?

What really is DDD and when does it apply?

When I first studied MVC in the book I talked a lot about DDD (Domain-Driven Design). From what I understood at the time, the ... are, but because it is a very extensive book I could never stop to read it. Is there any more brief reference on the subject?

Are redundancies in the database always undesirable?

I am developing a system that keeps a record of all the financial movements that occurred in a bank account (simple departure ... in the past discrepancies can be introduced - and without means of detecting them [if the redundant value is not present]).

Academic "system" er modeling

Could you guys help me? I am doing a database job in which I have to make an academic "system" , I developed this ER of the p ... store the notes and frequencies ? How do I get the student to view these grades and frequencies? I'm grateful for The Force.

Modeling categories and subcategories

I am modeling a database related to e-commerce and I am having a doubt in modeling the tables of categories and subcategories ... ch will be a subcategory. What are the advantages of doing a model with two tables or only one, as mentioned in the article?

Table normalization to 2nd Normal Form

A relation is in 2FN if and only if it is in 1FN and not contains partial dependencies. From this definition I am norm ... ke this, is the central idea of my normalization thinking correct? Is there any other better way for me to normalize it?

Product modeling with multiple suppliers and different prices

In an inventory control scenario where 1 product can be supplied by 1 or more suppliers and 1 supplier can contain 1 or more ... ofit of this sale be? and how would this distinction of cost values be represented of the same product in the table "sale"?

Mutually exclusive relationship (MER)

I know there are several ways to implement this conceptual model, but I would like to know the best way (if there is one tha ... consistency at the project level conceptual? In this link you can see another example about mutually exclusive relationship

Table structure in user question and answer model

I am having a doubt in the structure of some tables and I hope you can clarify in detail below. Scenario The system will gen ... table. OBS: do not take in consideration of non-key field issues, I just created a few to give a better view of the problem.

How to model a tree data structure using a relational database?

How to properly and efficiently define naturally tree-organized data in relational databases, considering the physical implic ... here is a way ( query ) more suitable for accessing (scanning/traversing) data structured in this way, an example would help.

Inserting data in PHP

Good Morning! Guys I need a Help I'm facing the following problem I have two tables in the database (clinics) and (user ... what would be the best way follows the images below, the routine of the image below so far only fill in the table users

When is it interesting to denormalize the database?

Is there a situation where having the database denormalized is more interesting than having it normalized ? For example N ... ----- | Fulano | Nova Iorque | | Ciclano | Nova Iorque | At some point is the second case more appropriate than the first?

Alternative to CPF (foreign users)

I have a site where we control users by the number of CPF, I believe it is the best way because it is a unique data , that e ... e bank has 200 that are randomized. But anyway the more registrations a user has, the more chances he will forge for himself.

What is the advantage of a 1:1 relationship?

I have a database (MySQL), and in a table I am having about 80 columns. I'm thinking of separating this information into othe ... etc. What is the advantage of using multiple tables with a 1: 1 relationship, instead of using everything in the same table?

Example and illustration about redundant relationships (MER)

Context Consider the sentence below: States: Relationships that are the result of the combination of other relationships ... FCC - 2012-TRE-CE - Judicial Analyst-Systems Analysis discipline: database (it) - subjects: MER (relationship entity Model)