
How do I make such a parallax effect?

How to make the same effect as on the site ? I am interested in the behavior of pills (tablets), ... And they move even when the mouse doesn't move. I am interested in this effect. Does anyone know how to do this?)) Thanks!!!

Moving figures in the background

How to make triangles or rectangles move a little in the waiting state, and turn a little when scrolling as here in the second block P.S.: the block is called about us

Parallax doesn't work in jquery

I make a parallax effect on the site. But for some reason, it does not correctly count the number of pixels by which the bloc ... y.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

Animation of the movement of the image when it is moved with the mouse

There is an example of animation How to create such a" movement " of the im ... s transform-style:preserve-3d and several overlay images. Is it possible to do this with just one picture? Maybe some js lib?

Parallax effect. Background movement-images when the mouse moves

I met a very beautiful parallax effect. ( I want to do the same on my page. But how? After all, as you can see, he used only one "gif", and it moves with the movement of the mouse cursor.

Parallax.js does not work on Chrome for Mobile

The parallax effect.js ( / ) only works for desktop browsers. Can something be done to ... window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="img/bg/home-1280.jpg"> </section> </body> </html>

Change scenery color with button

I am creating a scenario with Parallax and wanted to simulate changing colors in the mountains, for this, the color will be c ...

Take parallax effect from mobile

I have a parallax effect on my site that appears on desktop. Only the same effect is appearing on mobile devices, but it's no ... ".navbar").addClass("bg-primary"); } else{ $(".navbar").removeClass("bg-primary"); } }) })

Parallax/parallax effect does not work on Chrome for Android, but works on desktop

I have this page: where I use the parallax/para ... livro-do-eterno-inconformado-pdf.pdf?dl=1' target='_blank'>Baixar PDF</a></span> </div> </div>