
python what does return do

Tell me, what exactly does return return and how to access it? import ctypes EnumWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumWindows ... I understand that prints are running != empty windows. But, if I remove return in def main (): the result does not change.

How return Java works

Learning Java in my head does not fit-how does return work and in what cases it is used. I reread a lot of different informat ... of the action, System.out.println is called with the result. How does it work? Thank you in advance for explaining this point

Help us understand how return works

I would like to understand how return works, in principle I understand how it works. But the question arose, in the example b ... for (int i=0;i<newArray.length;i++ ) { newArray[i]=scr.nextInt(); } return newArray; } }

Binary search, or rather return c++, does not work

I wrote a binary search algorithm, why does return work incorrectly? If you make a void function with the output of the respo ... ) { cin >> numbers[i]; } cin >> find; cout << binarySearch(find, numbers, 0, n - 1); }

What is the most correct and correct way to return more than one value in a method? With#

I need the method to return four values: one bool, one string, and two floats. I do this with Dictionary<bool, string> ... ect. How do you normally do when a function needs to return more than one value? How to do it more correctly and efficiently?

How to use return in java?

Here it seems to understand that return returns something, terminates the processes of the method (function), but what, how i ... video about this, I still don't understand!!! If it is not difficult to give an example to understand, thank you in advance.

What does return mean in JavaScript?

While learning JavaScript, I got to return. I didn't understand what it was for. At first, I tried to "add" something, then l ... of different other questions to all this. I hope that you will explain everything in your own words and thank you in advance

how underscores work in javascript

function isSorted(arr) { const limit = arr.length - 1; return arr.every((_, i) => (i < limit ? arr[i] <= arr[i + ... eplace the code in paragraph 4. And if I made a mistake in explaining the other points, I also ask you to correct it. Thanks.

Recursion, return, error:TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

I don't understand why the error TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' comes out, and why the count c ... return res, count print(Distance(3)) I would be very grateful if you explain. I don't understand what's going on.

What difference between return and break in a switch case?

In some situations the practice ofswitch case for code optimization and improvement. I have an application developed for Andr ... t I did not understand exactly what diverges from each other. What real difference between return and break in a switch case?

What is the JavaScript "return" function for?

One of the functions that I hate the most is the "return" because I do not understand what it does or does not do I will give ... 2 to be different. I appreciate it in case leia. but I really need your help please help me! I hope you talk in the chat bye

What is the difference and advantages in using @ @ IDENTITY and OUTPUT INSERTED.ID

I always used @@IDENTITY to get the last identity value entered, as in the example below. create Proc [dbo].[Arquivos] @Id ... th the use of OUTPUT INSERTED.ID. Is there any difference between the two in terms of performance or any difference for use?

How to return or extract more than one value from a function?

integerPower( int y ){ int base2; int base3; int base4; int total; base2 = pow( y , 2); base3 = pow( ... calculated in the power of 2, 3 and 4. I tried return base2, base3, base4 and it didn't work out. Why can not this be done?

What does the term "String... string" mean in java?

What does the term String... string mean in Java? And how to elaborate a method that returns a String... as an example: pub ... t I can pass as a parameter in a method like this: public void setStrings(String... s){ //codigo } Any suggestions?

Factorial function in C does not return the result

What's wrong with my code? int fatorial (int n, int num, int fat) { if(num >= 0) { fat = 1; n = num; while(n > 0) { fat *= n; //FATORIAL = FATORIAL*N n--; } } }

Differentiates between List and and return in Entity

Hello, I have a doubt when I will take the data from a SQL query, is there the possibility of pulling by list and by Entity, ... ility of each? public List<Usuario> buscarTodos(Usuario mod){...} public Usuario pesquisarUsuario(Usuario mod) {...}

How to return 2 vectors of different types in C++

I perform a calculation and my result is saved in a vector<int> And a vector<string> How do I make ... ector of integers in a vector of string, but I also do not know if it is possible to pass more than one vector of a function.

What's my mistake in that code?

Hello, I'm starting to study the JS language and packed here, I don't know what my mistake, could someone explain to me what ... lert("AREA: " + resultado[0]); alert("Perimetro" + resultado[1])">EXECUTAR</button> </body> </html>

What does" return " do in Python?

What" Really " return does in Python, mostly in recursive functions. Ex. factorial: def fatorial(n): if n==1: return n return fatorial(n-1) * n

Two "return" in one function

How does it work if there are two ( + ) return in a Python function? Would it return the second value, or only the first? Example: def soma(a, b): x = a + b y = 'qualquer coisa' return x return y