
The Vigener cipher

Hello, there is a problem with the implementation of the Vigener cipher. It is not possible to access the table elements and ... xt.Substring(j, 1)% txbx_key.Text.Length); rez += tmp; } } } }

How do I use X. 509 certificates?

Let's say I want to write 2 console programs: client and server. I will create self-signed certificates, install them on the ... omes from the server itself or to link programs with certificates, you can use cmd and the OS will check everything itself?

Permutation cipher in C#

In permutation ciphers, the order of the characters changes. In a simple permutation cipher, a permutation of numbers from 0 ... указывать на позицию в строке. Имя параметра: length In the line msgInArray[i] = msg.Substring(i * key.Length, key.Length);

Caesar's Cipher

I have recently been studying programming and the Java programming language in particular, and here I ran into a problem. The ... System.out.print(m); } System.out.println(); System.out.println(InputString); System.out.println(CipherKey); } }

The C++ Vigener cipher does not encrypt arrays as it should

I'm starting to learn the pros and I can't cope with the task for the vigener cipher. The function works, but it doesn't encr ... jqzvu The code should output: secretsecretsecretsecretsecre all generalizations are false spn kxfitrpbrevzsgk cii xenji

Caesar's cipher, the English alphabet

The program is fed a line of text in English, in which you need to encrypt all the words. Each word of the string should be e ... return result #check the above function text = input().split() s = 4 print (text) print (str(s)) print(encrypt(text,s))

DES encryption method

Using php, you need to encrypt the string using the DES algorithm and the ECB encryption scheme example: mcrypt_encrypt(MCRY ... B) This code outputs the result: +��Iin1/n��떇 I tried different encodings, nothing changes. What could be the problem?

Reverse public key encryption in c# and php

I have a c# application and a php server. The app must be activated for a fee. After activation, a request is sent to the ser ... ey). Most likely this can be implemented via rsa-1, but I don't really understand how( I will be glad to receive any hints)

How do I decrypt files encrypted by Samsung?

I have Samsung A3(2017), it was just well VERY important files and when I returned the phone to factory settings, I either d ... downloaded the first one, and there it asks for extension files that I do not know. My encrypted video has the extension mp4.

Python 3.x Letter Permutation Cipher

Hello. I need to write a Python cryptographer that will swap letters in pairs with each other. For example: cold = oh ol d ... he written text, which I will already divide. Help with an idea or a function. You are welcome. I need the code by tomorrow.

You need to implement the DES algorithm. Question for the "Initial permutation" stage?

There is an array of bytes of length 64, at the beginning according to "Wikipedia" it is necessary to perform the initial per ... y and not head-on like this: IP[1] = InputData[58]; IP[2] = InputData[50]; IP[3] = InputData[42]; And so on ...

C# Encrypting a string with always different result

It is necessary to encrypt the string in such a way that the same key always gives a different result. In AES algorithms, you ... need to know this vector. I need to receive a unique encrypted message only by the key. What algorithms can I use to do this?

Secure sending of the package (Chest with two locks)

How can I safely send a value by mail? Attention, spoiler alert to the solution of the popular puzzle! Buy a chest, buy a ca ... no serts. Especially for those who like to answer "you don't need it at all": thank you, your opinion is taken into account.

How to determine which type of encryption was used

I'm doing CTF, and I need to decipher this: Guvf_vf_prnfre_pvcure What kind of encryption was used and how did you determine it? Is there any program for determining the type of encryption?

What is the strength of symmetric encryption?

I connected blowfish to my project. I looked at the source code and there was such a question. The blowfish algorithm itself ... orithm (which can be obtained by decompiling c#) that it is encrypted with, can they decrypt it without knowing the password?

base64/UTF-16LE decoding in C

My problem is trying to decode a utf-16 encoded string that has been encrypted in base64. The result of such decoding is alwa ... har *)malloc(dest_size); memset(dest,0,dest_size); base64decode(source, dest, dest_size); printf("Decode: %s", dest); }

Pascal. Table-based encryption with a keyword

My program needs to encrypt and decrypt the text using a keyword. It has two parts, the encryption and decryption part. Every ... teln; end; IT:=''; for j:=1 to vt do for i:=1 to dkl do IT:=IT+tabl[j,i]; writeln('Криптограмма'); writeln(IT); end; end.

Do not tell me which cipher is visualized in this picture [closed]

Closed. This question should be clarified or supplemented with details. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Improve the question It would be nice if someone could decipher this cipher.

Unpack a twrp backup

I have a backup /data for twrp, but several unknown system files are broken in it. The only things I need to restore are /data/data and /data/app. Is it possible to unpack this backup somehow and get the files from it?

Creating a cryptographic container with a one-time password

There was a need to create a cryptographic container for decrypting which you need to use a password that will change every 6 ... mbles Google authenticator , but not for two-factor authentication, but for decrypting a cryptographic container. Help please