
Multiple slick sliders on the same page

I put 4 pieces of Slick Slider (Slider Syncing) - this is where there is one big picture at the top, and a carousel of small ... t;/div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Responsive doesn't work correctly in slick-slider

Hi, everybody) I want to make the slider appear at breakpoint 768 and below, but responsive works every other time and when t ... <div class="galeria-box___item"> <img src="img/galeria-img9.png" alt=""> </div> </div>

Once connected, the slick slider stretches each member of the slider

This is the formatted part of the slider that doesn't work with slick slider Once connected, the slick slider stretches each ... _box-author-style { font-weight: 700; color: #267ae9; } Please help me with the slider, thank you for your attention

Bootstrap nav nav-pills inside slick slider

Using slick slider + Bootstrap 4 There is such a markup: if ($('.nav-pills').length) { $('.nav-pills').each(function() ... s active (all are highlighted in blue). Question: How do I switch the active class on bootstrap tabs inside the slick slider?

slick + wow js animation

There is a horizontal site that works through slick and works on a block-by-block basis. It is necessary that, when scrolling ... ts immediately start the animation. <script> new WOW({ offset: 100 }).init(); </script>

Slick-carousel inside flex

If the slick-carousel is inside the flex wrapper, then when scrolling, the slides disappear and the width of the carousel its ... nsform: translate(0, -50%); } .arrowRight { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: -7vw; } .purple { color: #9770b6; }

Slick Slader When the site is first loaded, the slides-images are not loaded

When the page is refreshed, the slides work, but if you clear the cache, they disappear again. I tried to remove the flex, t ... ({ speed: 400, viewTitle: true });</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/script.js"></script>

Laravel does not see locally attached js files, but only sees CDNs.

Hello everyone. I do not really like to connect to sites from the outside, but in the case of laravel, I did not find any oth ... tps://"></script> @endsection Thank you in advance!

Speed up the slick slider

There is such a problem: when the page loads, the slick slider blocks are displayed under each other and only after the full ... /div> </div> P.S: Set a fixed height for the slider and overflow: hidden (to hide the jamb) not an option.

Make a Slick Slider

There is a task - to make such a slider: Chose to implement slick. Here's what happened ` ... ed to make two active slides. I'm alone now. Perhaps there are other solutions besides slick slider, I will be glad to hear.

Slick slider: zoom in on the center image

You need to implement the slider as in the picture. I did it using the slick slider, but I didn't find a line anywhere in the ... ; </div> Tell me how to make the central image increase in size when you click on the forward and back buttons.

Slick Slider change the dots to your own switch

How do I replace the standard points in Slick Slider with my own? HTML: <div class="slider"> <div class="conta ... line-active'); var item = $(this).attr('data-item'); }); The project uploaded to its host -

Slick slider Changing dots

It is necessary that the images are different, and at a resolution of less than 768px they become dots. And for some reason, ... function(slider, i) { var title = $(slider.$slides[i]).data('title'); return '<a class="pager__item"></a>';

Slick responsive

The task is to have the slider turn on after 320px and below, and breackpoint fire as 320 and above. How to do it correctly ... breakpoint: 320, settings: "unslick", slidesToShow: 1, arrows: false, } ] }); });

Replacing default arrows in slick slider

How can I replace the arrows in slick'a? I found this method: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.head-slider__slider ... ngle-left.svg" alt="">', }); }); But it didn't work. I want to replace the standard icons with my own SVG'шные.

Slick slider doesn't connect

Slick slider div ' s don't work, they just fall into a column, here are my connected files <link rel="stylesheet" href="h ... script> <!-- MDB core JavaScript --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/mdb.js"></script>

Slick Slider and Fancybox

During initialization, the slider creates additional clones of the slides in order to make the slider scroll cyclically. Ther ... </div> It is necessary that in the Fanbox there are clearly as many slides as specified in HTML. How do I do this ?

Increase the height and width of the slick slide. How to avoid distorting slides? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... set-timeouts, tried to change them scale, instead of height and width. (at best, the slide twitches after going full circle).