
JUNIT tests in a multi-module Spring Boot project

There is a Spring Boot multi-module application, with db configuration via JNDI, how to run Junit tests correctly? My test is ... ceLookupFailureException: Failed to look up JNDI DataSource with name What else did I miss or maybe I'm doing it all wrong?

Incorrect operation of JUnit in Spring Boot

There is a simple Spring Boot application: @SpringBootApplication @RestController @EnableAutoConfiguration public class Demo ... //localhost:80": Connection refused: connect; nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

Spring boot Security authentication does not work

I'm new to java and Spring recently started learning it. I decided to do authentication on my test site using UserDetailsServ ... le implements GrantedAuthority { USER; @Override public String getAuthority() { return name(); } }

Correct termination of the spring boot Application

There is an application on spring boot @EnableScheduling @SpringBootApplication @PropertySource("classpath:application.prope ... pplication -> [Help 1] And the app doesn't stop. How do I make a correct stop? And is it possible to do this by Ctrl C?

Kotlin integration tests for spring-boot

What I have: there is a microservice on Spring boot, with the web and MongoDB as a storage. For integration tests, I use test ... runs/576320155?check_suite_focus=true The funny thing is that if you rewrite the tests and config in java, everything works)

How do I upload an image?

I created a new spring-boot project, I'm trying to make a default controller so that it returns an image, i.e. the image opens in localhost:8080. I tried to return bufferedimage - code in the browser. How to implement it?

Bootstrap modal window + controller

Please tell me how I can tie a modal window to each user from the list. the code is attached. p. s the usual delete button do ... te("roles", userService.findOne(id).getAuthorities()); userService.deleteById(id); return "redirect:/admin/panel"; }

io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Wrote an online chat https://github.com/callicoder/spring-boot-websocket-chat-demo And I want to rewrite the configureMessage ... ang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompCommand.HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

How to link two tables correctly

Spring-Boot and Thymeleaf Project Three entities @Entity @Table(name = "peoples", schema = "public", catalog = "people") @Equ ... ., one person can have only one blood group. I did it by analogy in training courses. They are really different for everyone.

org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy error when parsing

I encountered a very strange phenomenon when the component is running on the server. Spring Boot 2, jdk 11, the component is ... ringframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(CglibAopProxy.java:689), Why can this happen?

Java: how to specify a default value for Feign

Tell me, how can I set the default value in the parameter in the Feign client? Here's my code. I specified the default value ... @RequestParam("currency") String currency ); } I want to make the default value for the "code" parameter.

The login does not work, there are no errors in the console when you enter the data, the registration works

package com.example.airport.config; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework. ... plements GrantedAuthority { USER,ADMIN; @Override public String getAuthority() { return name(); } }

What is a dependency descriptor in the context of Maven?

I came across the definition and can't understand the meaning of the dependency descriptor phrase. Starter packages are a se ... of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. P.S Topic is related to Spring boot starters

When I enter a link in the http ... address bar, it redirects me to httpS

When working with security, I wrote a code in which when a request arrives at http:localhost, to redirect to httpS:localhost. ... ; connector.setScheme("http"); connector.setPort(8080); connector.setRedirectPort(8443); return connector; }

Deploy SpringBoot apps in embedded tomcat

I created a simple SpringBoot application with a Rest controller. When I run it, everything works fine. I want to deploy it w ... r configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) { return application.sources(SpringBootTestApplication.class); } }

What is Spring Boot used for?

Explain in what cases it is advisable to use the Spring Boot framework in addition to Spring? And what are its main features?

Spring Lessons

Please recommend good literature or video tutorials on Spring Boot for advanced study in Russian. A detailed explanatory book.

alter table add constraint foreign key

Hello. Please help me figure out what my mistake is. I have two tables (actually there are more of them, but the error only a ... h; private String alt; private String title; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "product_id") private Product product;

The system cannot find the specified path

Hello. I go through interesting tutorials and with one example of a misunderstanding. The console writes \var\netgloo_bl ... exist? The repository is here: https://github.com/netgloo/spring-boot-samples/tree/master/spring-boot-file-upload-with-ajax

Maven. What could be the error in pom.xml?

I can't build the jar file with the "mvn package" command. In IDEA, everything runs perfectly. <?xml version="1.0" encod ... t;spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>