
There are inline buttons "like", "dislike" Telegram bot. How do I change the value of a button after clicking on it?

I decided to put the variables quant1 and quant2 in the rows of buttons. But I don't know how to change them by clicking on t ... likes_count == 0: pass likes[] = likes_count # обновление количества лайков в хранилище

node.js telegram bot mouse/keyboard control

I heard that using node.js can teach the bot to control the cursor, but I can't find how to implement it. Is it possible to t ... , for example, to open a YouTube video in full screen or pause it? Is it possible to implement hotkey pressing through a bot?

How to make the telegram bot write in bold?

Please tell me how to make a telegram bot write in bold ? For example, how do I make the BSUT Helper v0.1 Alpha bot write in ... per v0.1 Alpha.\nПоследнее обновление: 18.11.2020\nДата выхода: 18.11.2020\nРазработчик @mikitos59', reply_markup=keyboard2)

QIWI Python reference

Good afternoon, everyone. How do you spend the May holidays? I'm making a bot for telegrams in Python, there was a question a ... ber (I understand the phone number is also indicated by the link). How do I make such a link? Thank you very much in advance!

Webhook Telegram sends several updates in a row

When connecting, webhook hung up logging of incoming updates on it. I noticed that when I write a telegram bot 1 message, it ... lib error -5" Perhaps this is the reason. But I don't understand what this means, and how it relates to the webhook answers

NodeJS Telegram bot request failed API

The bot stops working after an error: FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOU ... ter a while it crashes. I don't understand what the problem is. Sometimes the bot is delayed, but not for long and so always.

Free-kassa in Python telegram bot

Good afternoon, everyone. I make a telegram bot. I need a link where a person will click and pay for the product on free-kass ... in advance! We recommended using this instruction when generating a link...

Get the group's message history via the telegram api

I know that telegram has a method messages.getHistory, but how to use it? Off. the docks don't tell me anything. Or does this ... m just sends requests like /getMe or /setWebhook?<params>, and in the case of getHistory, the copy-paste does not roll.

Connecting Free-kassa to the Telegram bot

Good afternoon, everyone. I wanted to make a telegram bot in Python. If the user clicks on the button (the bot sends a messag ... ernet: Linking free-kassa to the telegram bot. And what kind of knowledge is needed for this? Thank you very much in advance!

Java Telegrambots sending messages

I want to set up sending messages to users, sending out tipo messages. import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.TelegramLongPol ... e is not sent at startup. the console also says nothing, there are no errors related to this. tell me, what am I doing wrong?

In the telegram bot when sending a file(photo) the bot flips the photo

First, here is the Bot code @bot.message_handler(content_types=['document']) def get_docs(message): file_info = bot.get_f ... ) I tried to change the format to .png (it didn't help) I also tried to convert via Pillow, then save it too (it didn't help)

How to hide a link in a word in python 3 telegram bot

Hello everyone I want to say right away that I am new to Python and at first glance I came across an elementary thing. To th ... ll lead to another on the mirror How do I implement this in code? Thank you in advance for your answer!

Randomizer of photos telegram bot

if message.text == 'Фотка' photo = open('Photo/photo.jpg', 'rb') bot.send_photo(, photo) I want it to send not a specific photo but a random one from the folder, how do I do this?

problems with establishing a connection with the telegram bot

I learned to write bots in telegram using the telegram bot module, there were many errors, despite the fact that I wrote a di ... tent_types=['text']) def lalala(message): bot.send_message(,message.text) bot.polling(none_stop=True)

the code for the bot that downloads videos from youtube(python) does not work)

I make a bot for telegram, it should download the video from the entered link, while the bot is a test and the link is alread ... Привет.") bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)``` а вот фрагмент ошибки: streams[i] IndexError: list index out of range

Python How to access using tor?

I use the following python code, the first request returns the changed address, and the second request returns an error. I un ... ies exceeded with url: / (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1051)')))

The code of the game "Guess the number" for the bot in TG Python pytelegrambotapi does not work

I can not write the code for the game guess the number for the bot, I write the code in a separate file(not the main one), so ... o/rGqLb2c In the console, this is: Help me to finalize the game that would work, thank you in advance!

How do I delete a bot mailing list message from all subscribers? (Telegram on aiogram)

People, who knows, is it possible to use a similar scheme to set "delete_message" instead of "send_photo" so as to delete the ... h open('X:\\TELEGRAMM\\images\\' + fname, 'rb') as photo: await bot.send_photo(s[1], photo, disable_notification = True)

How do I launch a telegram bot for endless operation?

I made a telegram bot in python,decided to try to upload it to the server. I filled the bot on the server, ran it through the ... without me?That I would not run the PC and so on.I've heard it called a daemon,but I haven't found how to make it and run it.

How do I clear my message history in telegram bot? telebot

You need to delete the message history when you enter the text "clear". not saved