
How to fix RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in instancecheck

There is a part of the code class Creat_Timetable(): def __init__(self): self.all_hours_start = [8,9,10,11,12,1 ... cnfmerge elif isinstance(cnfs, (type(None), str)): RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in instancecheck

How do I block entering characters in Entry from the keyboard?

from tkinter import* e=Entry(width=20) e.pack() How do I make it so that nothing can be typed on the keyboard, as well as inserted?

Python Tkinter Color Text

I want to implement color output as in the picture, but not in the console, but in the tkiter ' s label. Is there such a poss ... l(window, text='normal text\nred text') lbl.pack() window.mainloop() The picture shows an example from the colorama module

Tkinter grid grid

Omogite deal with the grid in tkinter grid. I need raduibutton to be all in one smooth column, but it turns out in a discrepa ... ue to the fact that in the column next to a large button, how to make sure that the grids do not interfere with each other

Entry widget in Tkinter

Good day to all. Recently started programming, in python quite lamer. I want to write a desktop chat with the client and serv ... ORT = int(PORT) BUFSIZ = 1024 ADDR = (HOST, PORT) client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect(ADDR)

How to destroy the Label and Entry Tkinter Python?

I create a label, put it through place and try to delete it self. label.destroy (), but nothing works, the same with entry, p ... estroy() self.settings[1] = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": app = mainWindow() app.root.mainloop()

How do I set the grid Tkinter line margins?

I'm new to tkinter, please help me. Why is there an indent before " Your OS:"? I also set it to column = 0. Screen and code b ... Label(text = 'Текущая директория: ' + os.getcwd(), bg = 'pink', font = 'Times 30') label_CurentDir.grid(column = 0, row = 1)

Tkinter window background image

How can I set the background image of the entire window in Tkinter? So that all the buttons are on top of

Tkinter python 3.7 insert image in Label

I try to insert a picture in Label, but it gives an error Image "..." does not exist, the path is exactly correct. from tki ... he problem was. I tried to write im = and img = PhotoImage(im), respectively, but it gives an error.

Problem with connecting the tkinter module in PyCharm Python

I duplicate the question, because I didn't find an answer. Linux Mint 19.3 Python 3.7, installed in PySharm as a Base Inte ... Question: how to connect the tkinter module in PyCharm, taking into account the fact that the standard methods did not work.

Copying text from the Label widget to the clipboard

from tkinter import * root = Tk() lbl = Label(root, text='hello world') btn = Button(root, text='copy') lbl.grid(row=0, col ... aw copying from the Scrolledtext widget, but it doesn't work that way with Label. How do I copy text from Label to clipboard?

Startup error: No such file or directory: "

The window does not appear, immediately error import tkinter as tk import hashlib def show_text(): label_text.set('Hash, ...", line 16, in <module> fl = open(str(road.get())) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

How do I draw a circle in Tkinter?

shape_id =canvas.create_oval(10,10,10,10, outline="red", fill="green", width=2) How do I set the radius of a circle in canvas? As far as I understand, there is no such attribute here.

Make a round button in tkinter

Is it possible to make round buttons in tkinter and, if possible, how?

How do I get data from a Treeview?

How do I open a window when I click on the Treeview Tkinter line? That is, the user clicks on the line with the data he needs ... database to a separate window, but I don't understand how to take data from the selected row in the Treeview. Please tell me

How do I get back to the tkinter Python menu?

I wrote a code that opens a menu with a message button.: from tkinter import * def message(): destroy_object = [bt ... menu() window.mainloop() But it gave the error NameError Can you tell me how to implement this idea? Thank you in advance

Python tkinter. How to make radiobutton inactive. Traffic light program

There is a program traffic light, with radio buttons to switch colors and with a remote control that should disable these but ... pass chVar.trace('w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2: checkCallback()) Here is what the program window looks like:

How do I import ttk from tkinter Python?

I try to compile to an exe file, but I get an error (picture). I import it in the code this way, otherwise there will be an e ... you run just a python file, then everything works) from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk, scrolledtext, messagebox

How to compile a Python TKinter program in. apk file for Android?

I decided to try to make a simple app for the Android experience in Python using TKinter. Is it possible to do this? I heard ... ill it be displayed on mobile devices? Please describe all the compilation methods in. apk and all the nuances that can occur

Transparent background in the tkinter window

I have a tkinter window with text and with overrideredirect. I need to be able to see the text, but there was no background (it was transparent) and the text was in the upper corner(any)