
Django / Python does not follow links to html pages. How do I fix this?

I wanted to create a simple bulletin board (I just started learning Django). One of the tasks was to create several html page ... nclude urlpatterns = [ path("admin/", admin.site.urls), path('advertisements/', include('advertisements.urls')), ]

Why do I need the clear attribute in CSS?

Why do I need clear in CSS? Also, why do I need a separate block . clearfix? With float, I figured out so that the text flows around the image, but why do I need the clear: both; attribute or its other values, I can't figure out. Please help

Dynamic shadow from the video

I have a video and I want to make a dynamic shadow of it. I was never able to do it, but I was able to do it with the image: ... block: <video autoplay muted loop id="awesomeVideo"> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

Checking the submit button click

There is an example from the book (there is also a similar question arose after watching the video tutorial) on sending files ... t;/html> And to select an existing file to send to the server, it gives: Uploading Problem: possible file upload attack

How to create a browser extension in Python. Is this even possible?

I had a brilliant idea-to make notes in the form of an extension for Chrome. I have only knowledge of Python, CSS and HTML. Are there any libraries for this in Python?

HTML / header & nav tag

Hello everyone. Here was given the task to write a website. who was interested In HTML, I am a fish, a cucumber and a self-t ... > </body> </html> In CSS, only the background on body #151515 Sorry in advance for my stupism ~(- . - ~

How do I use a hidden tag to pass a variable by the GET method to a php script?

I'm new to web development. I'm trying to create a table of any size on the page using html and php. I need to secretly store ... ge options as well hidden variable. I will be glad if you give more tips on creating buttons to reduce and increase the size.

Web application in Java + Javascript

The task is to write a web application in Java (backend) and html+css+javascript(frontend). Java is more than I know (the ser ... nd a detailed explanation would be by the way. And then all I came across was writing a java web application using jsp pages.

How do I change the font via?

There is HTML with approximately the following code <label class="select">Выберите шрифт</label> <sele ... he value of the CSS variable (I just recently started working on ВЕБ-ом, so I don't search at all in CSS, HTML, or JavaScript

django-admin.py startproject mysite is not working

Hello everyone I started learning django and ran into these problems: When you enter python django-admin.py startproject admi ... set startapp startproject syncdb test testserver validate Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

Is it possible to record all incoming and outgoing Vkontakte messages in the log?

I have access to the girl's page, she knows about it and therefore constantly deletes messages, misleading me. Like, I know her password... Can I use a php script or a jabber client to log all messages and how? At least direct it.

Bootstrap overrides my styles

In my code, I connect the navbar. When you hover over the links, they should be red, but if I connect the bootstrap, this doe ... /contact-us">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </nav> nav ul li a:hover { background: #f00; }

What version of PHP should I choose for my site?

At first glance, the answer is simple-the last one.))) I also think so, but when I downloaded PHP 5.3 (5.3.8) VC9 for Windows ... to translate to Linux 2.6 with Apache 1.3 modules.*, Fast CGI, CGI Or Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 6.0 or IIS 7.0 modules

Access to the local server on your computer via your phone

I wrote a small application in flask and ran a local server on the computer. address There is a WI-FI network to which the phone is connected. How can I access the site from my phone?

How to get the index value using filter JS

I have an array with numbers, how do I get the indexes of even numbers from there using filter ()?

Maximum icon size for a site (favicon)

Please tell me what size (maximum) you need to make an icon for the site. That is, in what size (how many by how many pixels) do browsers display it?

How to abstract the concept of "Container" in Java technologies

I've been studying programming for several months, and I'm already familiar with Java Core, коллекциями, принципами ооп, At t ... jboss can serve as a container. I can't understand what is meant by the word container. If you can explain it in more detail.

Where can I format a ttf font to eot, woff, and svg formats?

There is a Cyrillic font in the format ttf. Where can I format it in eot, woff, and svg? On Webfont Generator when loading the font on the site, I get an error.

CSS. Circular arrangement of elements. Absolute positioning

I tried to make a circular navigation. I took an example from the site. I think the problem is with the relative location, wi ... </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section>

How do I remove content for:after using:last-child?

I'm using the pseudo-element :: after for paragraphs with the class .nav_butt added content:"|", which should separate the pa ... px 4px; display: inline-block; font-size: 15px; } .nav_butt::after { content: ' |' } .nav_butt:last-child { }