
Error creating a Vue-CLI 3 project

I started creating a Vue project through the UI. At the end of the download, the onibka was thrown out: npm ERR! code EPERM ... /cli-plugin-vuex":{},"@vue/cli-plugin-eslint":{"config":"base","lintOn":["save"]}}}', timedOut: false, killed: false }

How to create a Vue js SPA?

Why and when do I need npm ? Will it run on the server or should it not run on the server at all ? What steps do I need to ta ... t work on the site ? Hosting does not support Node.js P. s: I know a lot of questions. But I need someone to sort things out.

Vuex Store, How do I access a module's state from another module?

I have several vuex modules from which I need to access data in a specific Vuex component. In the Vuex documentation, I saw a ... a; } } ModuleB mutations : { getSharedData(state) { state.someLocalData = SharedData; } }

How to configure Vue cli DevServer proxying of different urls to a single api server

The application on the vue cli goes to the api server. Here are the vue.config settings.js module.exports = { devServer: ... o/api/order/1? Set axios.defaults.baseUrl = "" it doesn't help! I do not know in general what to do)?

using SCSS in vue.js

I decided to study vue.js a couple of days ago, opened WebStorm (windows) and created the project vue.js (vue cli). After sit ... nd why WebStorm did not automatically create a virtual environment, the console does not perceive vue as a batch file (path).

What is the difference between vue init webpack / webpack-simple / create?

Hello everyone, can someone explain why vue has different project initialization commands, vue init webpack / webpack-simple ... t with a different structure and I am interested in which one is needed for which cases? The vue cli docks don't say anything