object sender, EventArgs e

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) For what purposes in the object sender, EventArgs parameter? using Syst ... // добавить созданный столбец в коллекцию Columns таблицы } } } }

Why do I need the SqlDataAdapter object?

How many times have I not read the msdn and did not understand why when filling in the datagridview to register also SqlDataA ... and DataTable is not enough? Maybe the question is stupid, but I want to understand and not just write code that would work.

Oracle error ORA-12154

Good day, dear forumchane. There was a question about working with the Oracle Database from Visual Studio 2013 (C#). When tr ... ary to Data Source=WorkTest ... oh, thank you so much to everyone who helped). The issue is resolved, the project has passed)

SQL like Clause does not work with SqlParameter

Following the recommendation that @Maniero made in this question I decided to parameterize the queries SQL of my program. Se ... t. cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@Nome"].Value = "%"+ txtNome.Text + "%"; I particularly found it pretty weird, but it worked.

ODBC does not support reading DBF file?

I'm trying to read a file .dbf following a tutorial I saw on the Macoratti website (obs. I think everyone knows). And when ru ... from a .xls. Series is a problem? What happens? Is there something in the code, maybe in the connection string that is wrong?

How to use multiple SQL commands (in the case of Delete in ORACLE) on one line only in C#?

I made a command because of foreign keys, just to plug hole, but it is not working by an invalid character error, I believe i ... { var erro = e.Message; return "Erro"; } } The error: ORA-00911: invalid character\n

What is the best way to verify the existence of a record in the database via application?

Today I use a method that sends a COUNT with the record Id as a parameter to the database. Is there a better, perhaps more performative way to do this?

What is it ADO.NET to C#?

I'm starting to learn about C# for Web applications, and wanted to know what is the ADO.NET and what are the advantages of using it?

Recover milliseconds from a date written to a DB MSSQL Server 2019 with VB.Net + ADO.Net

I would like to know how to retrieve a date as data from the milliseconds written to an MS SQL Server 2019 database using the ... MyBase.StrComando.AppendLine(" FROM tblHistorico ") Return MyBase.RetornaLista(StrComando.ToString()) End Function