The difference between core and core mvc

I often find these two names on the Internet. Are these different technologies or just two names for the same framework? And if there is a difference, please explain it.

How to specify the WCF service URL

The web application is running on, next to it is a service (*. svc), now this method is used to connect them (WEb. co ... ce.IProcess"/> </client> The problem with this method is that it is linked to a specific URL, how can I avoid this?

Formatting text in Html. ActionLink

I have this menu: <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="/"><span class="activ">пункт1</span> ... aw and new HtmlString, but the type doesn't fit Type conversion from " System.Web.IHtmlString "to" string " is not possible

How to close a browser window in a page written in ASP.NET?

I tried to close the browser window using the javascript code page windows.close(). But this command does not work. How can I close the browser window?

C exception handling approach#

The question is more focused on an architectural approach or refactoring. For example, there is a console application where t ... like to know how to elegantly handle exceptions of asynchronous methods (asynh await), how to throw them to the main thread? mvc entity framework conditions

Such a question In C#, I used the{[4] class]} SQLiteConnection myConnection = new SQLiteConnection(Connect); myCo ... where Grp.level >= slider_min select new { тут выборка }; }

ASP projects.NET in Visual Studio Express

Hello, I was given a hand ASP.NET the project, but I have Visual Studio Express C# 2010, and it does not read ASP, I climbed ... ything, I can not find how to connect, or are they incompatible? And how to work with ASP, you need Visual Web Dev. download?

How to correctly check the accuracy to tenths or hundredths?

There is a web form where there are 2 text boxes, in these text boxes the values are entered, double, I check them so that th ... e('.', ',').Trim(), out Thickness1); Double.TryParse(txbZachistkaThickness2.Text.Replace('.', ',').Trim(), out Thickness2);

System. Net. WebException: Unable to resolve remote name: ''

Trying to run the example described here, compilation is successful. But after I click on the search button, the error comes ... System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3413

Test server for the site

Hello everyone. You need to use a "temporary" server for one site and for one user. The bottom line - you need to raise the s ... I also remain a noob in programming, because I left this topic. Also soryan for the title. I just couldn't think of anything.

Bind certificates to Service Fabric clusters(converting the service to https)

The task is to translate the service to work over https, the service is published through an application of the Service Fabri ... e who faced such a task? How do I create a certificate and bind it to a cluster, or maybe I'm digging in the wrong direction?

Choosing a CMS to integrate into an existing one ASP.NET MVC project [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... s well as add multilingualism to the site. Please help me choose an existing CMS for the solution (the CMS must be on ASP).

Intellisense doesn't work in Rider IDE in. cshtml files (ASP.NET MVC)

I decided to try the rider and was faced with the fact that in the project ASP.NET Intellisense does not work + the highlight ... same time, the same project in the studio works without complaints and everything is fine there. What could be the problem?

I can't implement autologin

This is certainly quite a difficult task, so I would like at least some tips from those who have dealt with this. There is a ... code stopped writing the second cookie(session), and writes only the first one. Well, now I'll try to pass all the arguments. how can I update the field value with data from the drop-down list if this field has a two-way link and the "void" is not included in the drop-down list

My field is associated with the fallout sheet databinding, but the table has data(test and left, but necessary) in which this ... "ObjName") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>

How to remove username validation ASP.NET MVC CORE?

I'm trying to change the user's password in this way: await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, code, editViewModel.Passw ... an only contain letters or digits. (Dmitry is the user name). How do I cancel user name validation when I change my password?

Adaptive jquery modal window

There is a window on jq, I implement it like this: $(function () { $("#modal-dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, dr ... </div> </div> </div> } </div> How do I make such a window adaptive?

DropDownListFor does not select a value

How do I make DropDownListFor display the value that is in SelectedStatusId? Now the first one is displayed, regardless of th ... the view @Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.SelectedStatusId, (SelectList)ViewBag.Statuses, new { @class = "form-control" } )

C# ASP.NET strange error when calling a method from the Class Library project

ASP.NET MVC / I use VkNet to publish records to a group in VK At a certain time, the task scheduler makes a GET request with ... ll me what could be the problem, maybe someone has encountered such errors, I just see such a strange log for the first time?

What are the ways to log all application errors in ASP.NET Core?

What are the ways to log all application errors in ASP.NET Core? For example, I would like to save all exceptions with the ca ... s not responding, the Internet fell off, users send the wrong data to a specific method of a specific controller, and so on.