
When parsing in python3 via beautifulsoup error 400 bad request what to do?

Parsed the online store with authorization and through BeautifulSoup, but stably after 226 requests, every second request gives an error 400 bad request, what to do?

Parsing a python html page. BeautifulSoup

Hello everyone I was faced with the task of parsing data from this web page. It contains data on the works put up for auction ... " from the screen), type2 (="Print in colors"), width (75), height (80), and hummerprice (="not communicated) are left blank.

BeautifulSoup-site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = '' def parse(url): news ... print(parse(url)) I can't understand what the problem is, why the information is not written correctly to the csv file.

when parsing responds with errors: '403' or 'Connection aborted'

When trying to parse the site errors are returned: 403: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import tim ... ible that your computer is infected with malware that automatically accesses To Yandex."etc. Zarenee thank you for your help

Content parsing (Python, BeautifulSoup, requests)

Here is the code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html = requests.get('').text soup ... rything seems to be done as always. How can I parse the currency from the site ?

Parsing an HTML file using BeautifulSoup in a DataFrame

There is a file of the form: <TD class="c1">111-1111</TD> <TD class="c2">AA1111-1111</TD> <TD cla ... = value that I have now .368 to lead to a numeric value? a value of the form 0.368 ? I will be grateful for any information !

Parsing videos from Youtube channel (Python, BeautifulSoup, requests)

There is a code like this: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests ycid = input('Введите код-идентификатор канала: ') ... nDX1UoRzAHYgNg Парсим с канала: [] [] [] How can I fix the code?

The Python parser doesn't work

If you turn on the code, it will work for a couple of seconds, while not displaying anything, and then it will turn off. The ... ).get('href') }) for video in videos: print(f"Ссылка на видео - {video['link']}") parse_of_video()

bs4 problem with the td tag

How to parse and write in the table under the tag td a href? import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv count ... s e: print(e) Returns an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' name 'adr' is not defined

Multi-page site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs # URL STEAMTP: ... ments\WebProject\trade> As you can see, the parser parses 1 page 3 times. And you need to parse 1 page 2 page and 3 page.

Data from the socialblade site is not parsed

The data I want to parse: My code: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla ... e': 'float: right; width: 900px;'}) print(href_youtubers) Problem: The parser outputs an empty list Thank you in advance :)

How to parse Yandex. Market in python.Error 403

Hello everyone.Problem with Yandex.Market parsing.I want to parse phones . When I contact Yandex. Market, it returns me a 403 ... ng="UTF8" soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.content,"html.parser") sel ="div.d0N9PZYfeg a") for i in sel: print(i)

Why is the img tag not parsed?

I decided to write a parser, the code below, and when parsing the image gives an error, how to fix it, I write on the guide, ... itle').find('img').get('src') } ) return cards html = get_html(URL) print(get_content(html.text))

Python error IndexError: list index out of range what to do?

import datetime import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4 import BeautifulStoneSoup import telebot import time ... bot.send_message(chatid, rub) bot.polling(none_stop=True) Python IndexError error: list index out of range

help with the python parser

On the site you need to insert a word in Russian in the input field, and save the resulting translation. H ... l', class_='translate-list') print(items) def parse(): html = get_html(URL) get_content(html.text) parse()

Python Try Except. Handle 2 identical exceptions in a row

I'm writing a parser for a site where blocks have different names on different pages in the same place. I try to work around ... t AttributeError: # Если нет и "gray db rowspan", то запиши "неогранич." db_count = 'неогранич.' print(db_count)

How to parse multiple photos/videos in one instagram post in python?

I want to extract the links of all images from the link, but I have a problem with extracting information from the tag script ... 0) I don't really know how to work with js types, but if someone has the desire and time to help, I would be very grateful!

How to bypass the parsing protection?

This code should output everything that is in the body. But it seems that this site has some kind of protection against parsi ... e: print('Error') parse() As a result, all that is parsed from the body is: <div id="root"></div>

Beatiful Soup problem with getting attribute value

I can't parse the value of the id attribute of the article tag What is my error?: <article class="post-11632 post type-pos ... most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable'

How to get all the parsing elements from the site

Code: def get_content(html): global v global newsw global bb soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') f ... = f'{bb}') await ctx.send(embed = cvh) Conclusion: The console outputs several items at once, but the discord does not.