
Parser for Avito

I am writing a parser for avito in Python in PyCharm. A question arose. Is it possible to make a parser for all categories? T ... ries are different), will this work? I apologize, so often the "parser" in one letter has not been written for a long time.

Parsing a python html page. BeautifulSoup

Hello everyone I was faced with the task of parsing data from this web page. It contains data on the works put up for auction ... " from the screen), type2 (="Print in colors"), width (75), height (80), and hummerprice (="not communicated) are left blank.

BeautifulSoup-site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = 'https://www.zakon.kz/news/page/3' def parse(url): news ... print(parse(url)) I can't understand what the problem is, why the information is not written correctly to the csv file.

Why doesn't it parse the html page?

I'm learning Python and the Beautiful Soup library. I want to parse hot airline offers. But I don't see the text in the outpu ... 0].text) As a result, I get a response from the scripts, the text is not there. Help please. Thank you very much in advance.

Parsing multiple bs4 python pages

Created a site parser. If you parse a single url, the code works. But since I need data from all the pages that are in the ar ... -25-g/','https://smokelab.me/catalog/tabak/severnyij-25-g/?page=2', ] for url in url_list: get_name_count(get_html(url))

Parsing an HTML file using BeautifulSoup in a DataFrame

There is a file of the form: <TD class="c1">111-1111</TD> <TD class="c2">AA1111-1111</TD> <TD cla ... = value that I have now .368 to lead to a numeric value? a value of the form 0.368 ? I will be grateful for any information !

Help me parse the html

Please help me parse the html. I need to enter data in an array according to this principle: $mas[0]=array(00094318,4 500,i ... t;td class="td2 text_right bold">4 500</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table>

The Python parser doesn't work

If you turn on the code, it will work for a couple of seconds, while not displaying anything, and then it will turn off. The ... ).get('href') }) for video in videos: print(f"Ссылка на видео - {video['link']}") parse_of_video()

Parser mail.ru

Good day to you friends. I'm writing an email parser mail.ru my goal is this link http://my.mail.ru/my/search_people?st=city& ... them to the correct emails. I just need to go to the page and make the script go to the end of the page and switch to another

bs4 problem with the td tag

How to parse and write in the table under the tag td a href? import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv count ... s e: print(e) Returns an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' name 'adr' is not defined

Multi-page site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs # URL STEAMTP: https://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appi ... ments\WebProject\trade> As you can see, the parser parses 1 page 3 times. And you need to parse 1 page 2 page and 3 page.

List index out of range error when parsing the site

This code is available: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS r = requests.get('https://www.pointercrate.com/d ... itle[0].text) In theory, the code should return the list of the top, but in the end I get the error list index out of range

Python JSON parse all data by the views key

Wikipedia Statistics How to get a list of all "views", numbers like: 16944,15420....

Parsing fl.ru using python (bs4, requests), how to separate categories when parsing?

I start parsing orders on in this way: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS r = requests.get('https://www.fl ... }) print(orders) Save() Help me figure out how to parse only orders from a certain category (texts, design, etc.)?

Data from the socialblade site is not parsed

The data I want to parse: My code: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla ... e': 'float: right; width: 900px;'}) print(href_youtubers) Problem: The parser outputs an empty list Thank you in advance :)

Not parsed lurkmore.to

I wanted to parse the site https://lurkmore.to, however, neither the use of the user agent nor the proxy does not help, the e ... aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'Удаленный хост принудительно разорвал существующее подключение', None, 10054, None))

Getting site content https://www.transfermarkt.us/ (parsing)

Dear colleagues. I need to parse the site in php https://www.transfermarkt.us/ and its internal pages. I'm trying to do this ... .transfermarkt.us: Connection timed out, although in the browser the page opens without problems. Can you tell me a solution?

JSON Parsing on Android

Good evening, everyone. There is a JSON file that needs to be parsed. Structure JSON below: { "Italiano" : [ ... algorithm for parsing this file. Please help me! Apparently I myself will not get out of this stopper! Thank you in advance!

How to parse Yandex. Market in python.Error 403

Hello everyone.Problem with Yandex.Market parsing.I want to parse phones . When I contact Yandex. Market, it returns me a 403 ... ng="UTF8" soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.content,"html.parser") sel = soup.select("div.d0N9PZYfeg a") for i in sel: print(i)

Why is the img tag not parsed?

I decided to write a parser, the code below, and when parsing the image gives an error, how to fix it, I write on the guide, ... itle').find('img').get('src') } ) return cards html = get_html(URL) print(get_content(html.text))