
How to know how many days the current month has?

How to know how many days the current MySQL month has, example: setembro = 30dias Reason: I have a goal: exemplo: 1.000,0 ... I need to take the goal value and divide by the amount of days it has in the current month to return the Daily Goal value.

How to insert date and datetime into a table in MySQL?

The big problem is that after insert, all the values that have date, are as zeros and in the format yyyy-dd-mm and not dd/mm/yyyy, as it was initially entered. How can I insert these values into the formatting I want?

Error converting string to date, with dateformatter in swift

In the User Registration I have an input with a mask in this format "dd / MM / YY", after taking the value of the input, whic ... " if let dateString = birthDayInput.text { // 25/10/1992 return dateString) // nil } return nil

Know how many years, months, days, hours, etc. have passed since a given date

I would like to know how do I make the output of the difference between two dates look the way I want, in this case I would l ... = datetime.datetime(2014,7,16,23) d2 = diff = d2 - d1 print(diff) # este não é o output que quero.

How to know if the date is the last day of the month?

I have a date saved in the database and before presenting in the grid I need to know if it is the last day of the month. I need this information to present it in a different color.

How to pick up the weekday name of the first day of the month?

How do I get the name (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...) from the first day of the month of December from the current date?

Doubt about RG - what is the best way to control the field?

I'm opening this topic to hear from you how you've been working with the issue of including RG in forms. I think a common co ... ave the field the most standardized possible. The important thing is that the mask is 100% compatible with all types of RGs.

How to format date by extension?

Is there any class in Java that works with date formatting by extension? For example: Input: [dd / mm / yyyy] 27/02/2016 ... " + NomeDoMes(m, 0) + " de " + a + " (" + DiaDaSemana(ds, 1) + ")."); } } The output was: February 27, 2016

How to know if today's date is Saturday or Sunday (weekend) in PHP?

I want to know what is the simplest possible way to find out if today's date is Saturday or Sunday in PHP. What are the possible ways to do this?

Backdated in mysql

Good morning everyone! how do I do, in a query in mysql catch generate dynamically the date referring to 3 months ago?

How to subtract dates in laravel?

I need to calculate the Working Time on a call. For this I need to do operations with date, How do I do this in laravel? Cod ... f = \PDF::loadView('', ['data' => $data, 'user' => $user]); return $pdf->stream(); }

Convert date and time to numeric value in JavaScript

I have seen in Kibana the dates being treated as numeric values. For example, the date 2016-05-03T10:00:00 is equal to the numeric value 1462280400000. I would like to understand how this works, and what function it can convert.

I want to compare start date and end date. The starting date always needs to be less than the final one. CompareTo () I got an error

When the end date is 00:00, it identifies that the start date is greater than the end date only it is not, the start date rem ... l.compareTo(dataFinal)); if(dataInicial.compareTo(dataFinal) < 0){ System.out.println("tudo ok!"); } } }

Subtract extract months between two dates in javascript

Hello to all GODS of SCRIPTS, I am having difficulty extracting the total of months between two dates ex: datafinal(29/03/20 ... elas:</label> <input name="numeroparcelas" type="text" class="form-control" id="numeroparcelas"> </div>

What is the best way to do a descriptive analysis of birth dates in the R?

I have in my data frame a column of birth dates that are in the English model, but I don't know how to analyze this descripti ... reaks = "years",axes = TRUE, xlab = "data", ylab = "Frequência Absoluta", col = "green") But what came out was not cool:

Convert number to date

Good afternoon, I would like to know, if there is how to convert number to date in PHP. Example, in Excel the number 42 ... valent to date 18-05-2017. And I can do the opposite, too. Is there any function in PHP, to which I can do this conversion?

Leaving Fullcalendar in the en-BR language

Hello, I downloaded a template fullcalendar from Adan Shaw, only the default language is English, I would like to leave it in Portuguese. How do I carry out this change? Thanks.

How to find out if the year is leap?

How do I know if the current year is a leap year in PHP?

Date and time expiration event-PHP

My doubt is this: I created a function in PHP to check the current date and check the deadline for the end of a contest. Only ... le>'; } ?> How can I check the time of the next day? For example, the contest will close at 15hrs on 10/06/2014.

Convert date with timezone

new Date() in JavaScript returns me this format: Tue Apr 01 2014 13:43:13 GMT-0300 (BRT) I need to convert this to a java. ... ern that would work, always returns me: Java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Tue Apr 01 2014 13: 43: 13 GMT-0300"