
Python how many days,minutes,seconds left from date to date

I have two dates: current and new year's. It is clear that using the datetime module in Python 3 , you can subtract these da ... of time until the new year in seconds, days, minutes, hours, etc. Example: До нового года: 60 дней 22 часа 45 мин 12 сек.

Convert the date to a string format with the number of days

The DataFrame has a column with values in the following format: 507 days 00:00:00. I need the output to have a value of just 507. I came across .strftime(), but how to apply it here is not very clear.

Fate date value in MySQL update

The MySQL table has a datetime field that stores the date (the pay field) before which the user paid for access to the site. ... possible somehow should I include this in the request? In order not to "pull" the table first by extracting the value of pay

Datetime python3 how to output only the time?

Let's say I have a function def get_current_time() -> datetime: delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=3, minutes=0) ret ... + delta How do I display only the time, or rather the hours and minutes? No date, seconds, etc.

How do I find out how much time is left until the new year?

How can I find out how many days are left until the new year on. Python programming language? In numeric format, so that you can display this message on the screen: how many days are left until the new year.

What is the date format in JSON?

Everywhere it is written that YYYY-MM-DD but I have Postman gives an error.

Get the dates of the current php week

You need to print the dates of the current week <?php for($i = 1;$i < 7;$i++) { ?> <div class="<?php echo ... ")); ?>"></div> <?php } ?> This is how it works, but of course it doesn't display the current date...

How to find out what time it is Phyton

How do I find the time? It is an hour, without minutes, preferably in 24 format. I tried to use the datetime library, but I ... :минуты:секунды, and I only need an Hour. import datetime now = moment = now.time() print(moment)

How do I compare a given time with the current one? js

I'm making a movie theater website. There is such a function that when you click on a certain button, it draws the desired h ... backgroundColor = '#3296C1'; selectedHall.classList.remove('displayNone'); } } } drawSelectedHall();

How do I output the MySQL data type representation in binary form?

I tried it like this: select cast(convert('1900-01-02 00:00:01.000000', datetime(6)) AS BINARY) I got this: 4957484845484 ... m interested in datetime(6). This approach worked for MS SQL Server, but for some reason the behavior is different for MySQL.

Set the time to a constant | C#

How to record the time. No date! to a constant. Just interested in a variable that stores 11: 30 regardless of the date. I t ... t out, but stores it in the string. I'm sure there's a normal way to define a variable. I would appreciate your help. Thanks.

How do I get the difference between two dates in years, months, and days?

There are two dates: date1 = 20201231 date2 = 20311105 How to get the difference between them in the form: d_years = date ... _months = date2-date1 d_days = date2-date1 print(f'delta : \n in days {d_days}\n in months {d_months}\n in years {d_years}')

How to convert date and time to unix in Python

Please tell me how to convert the date 2019-12-24 04:00:00 to UNIX GMT 1577160000 in Python.

js find out how many years have passed since the specified date. There are extra 60 years

const date1 = new Date(2000, 12, 4); console.log(new Date(new Date().getTime() - date1.getTime()).getYear()); I'm trying to ... rs have passed from a given date to the current moment. But for some reason, the result is 60 years longer than it should be.

Creating a list of hours in days in 15-minute increments

You need to create a list of hours in days in 15-minute increments. Like this: time = ['00:00', '00:15', '00:30', '00:45', ' ... tr(hour), str(min)) if string == "24:15": break time.append("{}:{}".format(str(hour), str(min)))

Convert the number of days to months

Good day. You need to convert a certain number of days into months. What is the best way to do this? I do this: months = (( ... + fromDate.Month)); But I don't quite understand why the year should be multiplied by 12 (tillDate.Value.Year * 12)? Thanks.

Anti-spam commands for discord bot

I want to make sure that each user can use 1 command once every 10 seconds. At first, I wanted to use a timer, but I did not ... await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ToString()); } } }

Kotlin working with date and time

I'm trying to figure out how to work with the date and time in Kotlin So far, everything that I found looks like crutches, ... "); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(sdf.parse(dt)); c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); dt = sdf.format(c.getTime());

Converting the DATE data format from one type to another in MS SQL, for example dd. mm. yyyy to mm. dd.yyyy

Is it possible to convert dates of the form to the form mm.dd.yyyy. For example, there is a column in a table with ... tibility of date representation types, respectively, we would like to immediately bring them to the default form mm.dd.yyyy.