
How do lambda functions work?

I'm trying to understand how lambda functions work and I saw on metanite how it does the following: delegate Operation (int ... thod is written directly? Please tell me how you can find similar constructions or something else to understand how it works

Delegate as a parameter

Good evening, dear experts! I have this question: I need a method of something like this: public void MyMethod(Func del) { ... you need to write your own method for each Func? And what about passing parameters for these delegates? Thank you in advance

Event and delegate: what is the difference?

In order to better understand, I wanted to know the difference between event and delegate and also the use of the += and -= operators for methods in C#

Changing the ProgressBar value to C# WPF

I have an application on wpf that pings a number of ip addresses for quite a long time. I wanted to install ProgressBar. Dire ... f the second option and the reason for its lower popularity (optimization?). Thanks! P.S. I am an absolute beginner in C#.

Delegates and their instances

Hello everyone, just started learning delegates. and so far I have realized the following: In order to create a delegate, we ... gnature, and the fourth - with a different one, then you will have to create a new delegate class. Am I getting this right?

What is the essence of covariance and contravariance of delegates?

I study working with delegates from the book and there is an example explaining what covariance and contravariance are. I dec ... = IncrB; Yob = (Y)change(Yob); Console.WriteLine("Yob: {0}", Yob.Val); Console.ReadLine(); } }

What is a delegate in C#?

Explain in simple, human language, who is and why is a delegate needed in OOP in general and in C# in particular?

c# Delegates-pros and cons [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... of things: What exactly is the advantage, so to speak, of using delegates? And are there any downsides to delegates as such?

What are delegates for in C#?

I understand c# in particular with delegates, the question arose why do you need delegates if you can create an instance of a ... o"; } public static void Main() { Print2 p = new Print2(Print3); string s = p("hello"); } }

I don't understand some of the basics of swift programming (initialization, delegates, protocols, ViewController)

Hello everyone I don't fully understand some things about initialization, delegates, protocols, and structures. I honestly t ... ad() } } How do I know what to write before viewDidLoad, what to write inside viewDidLoad, and what to write after it?