
The Discord bot does not start

CODE: import discord client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): print('We have logged in as ') @clie ... ent loop is closed') RuntimeError: Event loop is closed I wanted to create a discord bot (according to their documentation)

How do I get or track who clicked on a reaction in a message? Discord bot

There is a discord bot. You need to create reactions under the messages that the bot sends, and get information about who clicked on which reaction.

Discord.py, how to issue a role when using the command?

from SimpleQIWI import * from time import sleep import discord token = "Token" # https://qiwi.com/api phone = "numbe ... break time.sleep(1) api.stop() client = MyClient() client.run('Token')

Discord How to get a username with a Discord ID

I have a lot of Discord IDs. I would like to get from ID -> user#1234. In the official API, I found https://discord.com/de ... here are shared servers/friends with this id I would like to implement it either with#, or by request. Thank you in advance.

Discord.js does not change the channel name

The idea of the bot in discord is that when enabled, it changes the name of the voice channel to the number of participants o ... etName("Количество челов:"+ memberCount) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log(error)); });

Discord BOT, auto-assignment of roles

I write my bot in discord on python. I ran into a problem: after watching the video, I decided to make an auto-release of the ... xcept Exception as e: print(repr(e)) # Connect token = open('token.txt', 'r').readline() client.run( token )

Discrod.js standard emoji

I use discrod.js and trying to add a reaction to the message programmatically. But the problem is that the standard emojis do ... ct: and I want to replace them.) This code is written on the old API, so some functions need to be reworked to work properly.

You need to create a function (kick all) for the discord bot in Python, which will kick everyone from the server

Here is my kika opred function. member @client.command(pass_context = True) async def kick(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason = None): await ctx.channel.purge() await member.kick(reason = reason)

How to display bot commands when you click " / " Discord.py

We have introduced new slash commands for bots. Interacting with bots has become even easier. Now developers can create a li ... what is written in the update, but I did not find any reference to the documentation on how to do this. P. s I mean it menu

Please explain what is optional in discord.py (or even in python) and how to solve the problem

I want to create a text feed with a command in a specific category. I did everything, but I can't add it to the category. I s ... w what it is. Documentation: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#discord.Guild.create_text_channel Thank you

Auto-issuing roles when logging in to the server

I want to implement the following: When a new member logs on to the server, they should be automatically assigned a role. Sou ... "{} joined to channel! Role: {}".format(member, role.id)) client.run(config.token) I will be glad to receive any answer!

Mute the microphone for all voice chat participants in discord

The question is probably from the category of "do everything for me yourself", but I want to find out from what tools I can m ... in advance for stupid question, I couldn't craft such a simple function, having a reference book and basic knowledge at hand.

Discord.py alerts from YouTube

I want to make a Discord bot that will notify you about new videos on a particular channel (like mee6). I didn't find anything in the documentation, I would be very grateful if someone would help me.

Data is lost in the noode.js. They are output to the console, but they can't go to it

'use strict'; // Инициализация const Discord = require('discord.js'); const {token, prefix} = require('./config.json'); var { ... ond ago? Moreover, the console FIRST displays data, and THEN an error, that is, they appear before the console itself. errors

discord bot that will write a message to the chat at a certain time

Help me make a bot for discord that will write a message to the chat at a certain time I tried to do this async def hi(): ... e, I do not understand for example @commands.command() async def d(self): <-ляляля-> await self.bot.say("текст")

Discord API: how do I mention a player in an Embed message?

You need a code that can correctly mention the user{[1] in the Embed message instead]} This is how it is displayed for me: And it should be like this - How do I @ mention a user in an Embed message?

Discord JS: I can't change the bot name

I want to make the bot change its nickname. Tell me how to do this correctly const Discord = require('discord.js'); con ... rning: DiscordAPIError: Invalid Form Body username: You are changing your username or Discord Tag too fast. Try again later.