
Excel normal distribution histogram

How to build a similar histogram of a normal distribution in Excel with 100 values from -2 to 2.5? I used the NORMS function. ... When I got the result, I selected all the resulting values, and selected Insert - >histogram.. I got an incomprehensible

Counting unique values based on two criteria

There is a table, and the formula =СУММПРОИЗВ(СЧЁТЕСЛИ(B1:B8;B1:B8)^(2*ЕПУСТО(B1:B8)-1)) Now it counts the number of uniqu ... o make the count occur only taking into account what is in column A? I'm sorry, I can't attach a screen, tk from the phone.

Updating connections in excel in python

Tell me how to use win32com.client or another python library to update connections to oracle db in excel? I tried RefreshAll( ... otected, so I can't update Xlapp = win32com.client("Excel.Application") Wb = xlapp.workbooks.open('filepath') Wb.RefreshAll()

Sum the values of a range of cells in columns selected by condition

I can't find a solution for the following problems: 1) how to sum all the array values that are located at the intersection ... ut the complex design on my own. Link to the file itself: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B42T65A5ALWQyq3K-V7sKzWRfPU4Vt0S

How to make an uneven grid in a dot plot in Excel

Please tell me how to make an uneven grid for a point graph as shown in the figure. On the x-axis, let's say a point of 100 a ... ponds to this point, because the grid will be uniform, or briefly the scale of the x-axis does not correspond to the y-axis.

SQL Update in Excel - The operation must use the updated query

There is some data in the "Current Data" sheet with the fields SupportStatus and CreatedDate. As far as I know, queries Updat ... lQuery UPD: Request UPDATE [Текущие данные$] SET [SupportStatus] = 'Сервисное обслуживание' Similarly, it causes this error

What do the letters RC mean in an Excel formula?

What do these RC [] mean in the formula? I worked with the old excel, where everything was clear and the cells were called by letters...

Formulas in Excel

Please help me write a formula for calculating the function for excel: to calculate the approximate value of the factorial of ... ns DEGREE, EXP, ROOT, PI. Here is the formula (only, of course, without the o small in the bracket): For n from 1 to 20.

Excel doesn't open the png link

I add a link to .png or .gif image located on the local disk. When you click on the cell with the link, an error is displayed ... n is how to fix this problem, I assume you need to register something in the registry, but where and what is not in the know.

Drop-down list in excel in python

There is a drop-down list in Excel with a fuzzy search. And there is a dataframe that, after manipulations, I upload to excel ... ny other cell and stretch it to the end, that is, on VBA, it looks like I can do it. Is it possible to do this using python?

How can I enter a value from a well-known Internet page in the excel cell?

Here is an example of the page from which you need to get the first price https://warframe.market/ru/items/tekko_prime_set Y ... erent pages, the links are fixed and you can register them in the excel itself, but here's how to get the price for each cell

openpyxl, reading a cell with a formula via Python

There was such a question, is it possible to implement the following thing when using the openpyxl library in python: For exa ... d not the value itself. meaning. Tell me, please, is it possible to implement it somehow, maybe by means of other libraries?

How do I create a drop-down list in Google Sheets that takes the data from another sheet?

Question about working in Google Sheets: I want to create a drop-down list in a table that will take data from several column ... d substitute it for the current sheet. See the screenshot for more details. Is it possible to implement this, and if so, how?

Working with a CSV file in Java

Good day to all! Please specify how to use the standard Java libraries to work with the CSV file (if possible, list the nece ... Well, for example, the same sbt-lupov-av occurs with the value 6 and 3, i.e. the sum of it (which I eventually need) is 9.

How do I compare two columns in Excel files using Python? How to select values from File2.xlsx which don't exist File1.xlsx?

Good afternoon! Faced with a problem, there are 2 files File1.xlsx and File2.xlsx you need to compare the cell values of the ... w.cell_value(rowx=j, colx=0) if cellVal1 == cellVal2: break else: print(cellVal2)

How do I color-select cells where two capital letters [A-Z] meet?

I have sheets in Excel in which some of the cells contain pairs of capital letters [A-Z]. I need to highlight all these cells in color. How can I do this using Excel? Or how to enable regular expressions in excel?

open an Excel file to read c#

Task to retrieve data from an Excel file using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; class Program { private static string Nam ... Text.ToString(); } } The problem is that it constantly opens the file for writing. How do I open it read-only?

Export data from TXT to Excel by criteria

There are.A txt file that has 900 million rows, broken down into columns. From this file, you need to get about 200k rows and upload them to Excel by the ID in one of the columns. How can this be done technically? It is possible that using SQL

Python. I can't compare two numbers

Find the number in the list. This number is definitely in the list. And the program says no. What could be the reason? Val - ... e second column. 2nd column. line = [name1, name2, [число1, число2, число3]] This is a list that is formed from a text file

Remove duplicates from a cell

I spied on my wife's problem. There is an excel sheet with cells: You need to find and remove all the double numbers insid ... to do this? I would go by writing a macro (a reason to remember vba), but maybe are there any ready-made built-in functions?