
How to transfer data from excel to sql?

How to transfer data from excel to sql?

When converting XML to CSV, an empty file is saved

The program works perfectly with .xls , but not with .xml Task: find the PIE files with the extension .xml and convert the e ... nRow = nRow + 1 loop wb.Sheets(1).Rows(nRow & ":" & nRow+20000).Delete

A simple macro for LibreOffice Calc (Excel). Where can I find information?

Despite the simplicity and minimalism of the task, it broke my head. There is an XLS file in which there is a table of 160,00 ... order.LeftLine = BLine oBorder.RightLine = BLine oCellRange.TableBorder = oBorder End Sub

Copy the filtered data to another page using = vlookup in excel

There is a workbook with a list of students who have taken / failed courses. Passed - "OK", failed - "NO". You need to fi ... have passed a certain course and copy them to another sheet. How can this be done using the =VLOOKUP and/or = IF formula?

Distance between points

There are two lists of objects (for example, houses and stops) with known static coordinates. It is required for each house t ... line? That is, to make a formula that highlights the minimum value without building a column of distance values to each stop?

Make a selection with a condition from the table

I have a task, I need to create another one from the base table based on the specified conditions. I've been studying excel f ... Should I put it directly in the table, in a separate row?In general, I do not understand. Help please.Here is the task text

How do I get hyperlink addresses from Excel cells?

There are several links in the table, but when I copy what is in the cells, I get the values: 38014960 38014980 38014740 38015080 How do I get the links?

Find matches in two tables, and transfer excel data

There are two Excel sheets, one with a table: two columns, one with words, the other with numbers. On the second sheet, one c ... umbers from the first sheet to the second. I will be very grateful for your help, because Excel is absolutely not my profile.

Problem with displaying data in excel

There are 20-digit numbers that are formed from a file in excel like this: 10101000200000943001 in the generated excel file, ... it string itself. the cell format is written in general, if it is converted to numeric, then the last 5 numbers turn to zero.

Generating a csv file (text in Polish) for Excel in UTF-8 encoding

I'm writing a parser for a Polish website. The result of parsing is entered in a csv file, which is then opened in Excel. The ... he file, because here, as I understand it, the quotes appear after recoding, that is, inside the File.AppendAllText function.

VBA Excel-checking for zero digits before and after certain digits of a number

Let's take a number between 1 and 1 000 000 000 000 000, where, for example, the class of digits of the number that we will c ... ould get this: Fffttt Using the example of the number 225,485: Ffffft Using the example of the number 200,000: Ffffft , etc.

When assigning a VBA variable, the data type changes

Assigning a cell from the "cell" variable to the "prevCellValue" variable" In the variable "prevCellValue" the value remains, but not the reference to the cell as it was in "cell" How do I leave the variable types the same when assigning?

Copy the data from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2, provided that the data in the first sheet is constantly updated (increased)

What is the best way to do this, using a macro or using a formula? Or how to select and paste it once? In general, the essenc ... l of them to the very end on the second sheet, where I will correct one of the columns using a formula (I will cut the text).

MS Office files from the Task Scheduler VBS script do not open

There is a VBS script that opens Word and Excel documents. Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set xlApp = Crea ... roblem? P.S. Changing the task execution setting does not affect the error: "Windows 10"; " Windows 7.."; "Windows Vista..."

Creating an Excel file via the COM Windows API in Visual Studio C++

I found examples on the microsoft website Http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/CppAutomateExcel-44214081 solution ... was found. Where can I find her or ask her? What arguments should be passed to the AutoWrap() method to set the column width

Opening two windows in Excel at the same time

Is it possible to do something so that when you open a book, two windows with certain sheets open at once? (Is it possible to make a window open on 1\3 of the workspace) mb VBA, macros will somehow help?

VBA programming in Excel pauses in 3 seconds

Help solve the problem - you need to pause using VBA in Excel so that during it you can enter data into the cells - after the ... e PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) 'For 64 Bit Systems Sleep 3000 'delay in milliseconds

Error when converting xml to xls. How do I write the path to my file correctly?

Task: convert xml to xls Problem: the error "line 2, character 11, error: "The end of the construction is assumed", code: 800 ... pplication") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.OpenXML(xmlFile, 2) xlBook.SaveAs xlsFile, 6 xlBook.Close False xlApp.Quit End Sub

separate table cells with a comma, reading them line by line from an Excel file

I need to read each cell with data line by line from an excel file and populate the collection with these rows. That is, one ... } ExcelData.Add(strBuilder.ToString()); strBuilder.Clear(); } } }

How can I use Python Openpyxl to change the cell format to text?

I have a file .xlsx, which has numbers in its cells. In Excel, the cell format was set as numeric. Now, by default, openpyxl ... = workbook.active >>> type(worksheet.cell(i, j).value) <class 'float'> I use Python3. 9. 0 (openpyxl==3.0.6)