
How to determine a person's gender in VBA Excel

An array of full names is set. You need to determine the gender of each person by the last vowel letter. Here is the code, it ... If gls = g Then Cells(a, 3) = "жен" Else Cells(a, 3) = "муж" End If Next a End Sub How to fix it?

VBA: a regular expression for highlighting specific parts of a string

Please tell me how for Excel VBA should look like a regular expression to select from the text of the form 12345.12345TEXT123 ... (text) But it seems that I do not understand anything in regular expressions at all : (because it finds only the full string

How do I open the second instance of a workbook with an Excel macro if the workbook is already open?

There is a macro that gets values from a closed book (formally, it opens it using Workbooks.open(), disables events/alerts Ap ... open the second instance of this book, read the necessary data and close it, so as not to touch the instances opened before?

vba macros Excel 2016: Bag-Windows (). Activate and Woorkbooks (). Activate are not executed periodically

Macros written in VBA Excel 2010 (in the file nameFile) using Application.Windows(nameFile).Activate periodically stop workin ... w sizes of the XLMAIN, EXCEL7 classes, so as not to execute the command once again: Application.WindowState = xlMaximized ?

VBA Excel Variables

There is a task to make a variable whose value is text. You need to print this text in another book (file), and then use it t ... le, and not just the assignment of a cell that is equal to another cell, I think you have already understood. Please help me.

Return syntax in VBA

How do I get the return value of a function? I.e. declared a function: Public Function GetPi() As Double Return 4.0 * Mat ... Complains about the Return string and writes Syntax error. And how to correctly (by syntax) take the value of the function.

Insert the formula in the first empty cell and stretch to the last row

Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim lCol As Long Dim LR As Long 'до последнеи строки и столбца LR = Cells(Rows.Cou ... у надо штобы формула протянулась автоматищески 'то есть "J10","K10"...заменить в переменную,никак не получяетца End Sub

How do I find out which class is not registered? Error in Visual Basic 80040154

In the Excel file, there is a VB script that worked properly and still works on all other computers. But I recently reinstall ... tand how do I find out which class to register? I ask for help, if someone solved such a problem, please give me some advice.

VBA Excel matrix addition

You need to add up the matrices using VBA Excel. For multiplication, there is a function of the MMult sheet, for addition, I ... will slow down calculations very much. On the addition of a matrix of type C=A+B, the interpreter swears-incompatible types.

Excel parser using VBA on the site form

Hello, we decided not to "twist" a lot and perform the task of filling the site in such a way as-in excel via vba to write a ... ТА СТРОЧКА НЕ РАБОТАЕТ!!! End Sub Why doesn't the macro fill in the form with the name "description"? Thanks for the answer!

How do I convert formulas to values in an entire Excel workbook?

You need to break all absolutely references in the entire book with a python script, but so that the values remain. You can use a macro. How to implement it?

VBA Excel-list of words from different cells separated by commas and the union " and"

Take, for example, nine cells, each containing one word or expression. The cells can also be empty! In the tenth cell, all wo ... м, город, кольцо и дети If only one cell in the input contains a word or expression, the output should be, for example: город

When converting XML to CSV, an empty file is saved

The program works perfectly with .xls , but not with .xml Task: find the PIE files with the extension .xml and convert the e ... nRow = nRow + 1 loop wb.Sheets(1).Rows(nRow & ":" & nRow+20000).Delete

get the name of your own (open) Access file via VBA

Please tell me how to determine the file name. There is an Access file. You need to get its own name when you open it. In wor ... thods(do not work in the access), but I did not find such a thing in the access. Maybe someone has encountered it. Thank you

How do I get hyperlink addresses from Excel cells?

There are several links in the table, but when I copy what is in the cells, I get the values: 38014960 38014980 38014740 38015080 How do I get the links?

VBA Excel-checking for zero digits before and after certain digits of a number

Let's take a number between 1 and 1 000 000 000 000 000, where, for example, the class of digits of the number that we will c ... ould get this: Fffttt Using the example of the number 225,485: Ffffft Using the example of the number 200,000: Ffffft , etc.

When assigning a VBA variable, the data type changes

Assigning a cell from the "cell" variable to the "prevCellValue" variable" In the variable "prevCellValue" the value remains, but not the reference to the cell as it was in "cell" How do I leave the variable types the same when assigning?

Opening two windows in Excel at the same time

Is it possible to do something so that when you open a book, two windows with certain sheets open at once? (Is it possible to make a window open on 1\3 of the workspace) mb VBA, macros will somehow help?

VBA programming in Excel pauses in 3 seconds

Help solve the problem - you need to pause using VBA in Excel so that during it you can enter data into the cells - after the ... e PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) 'For 64 Bit Systems Sleep 3000 'delay in milliseconds

Error when converting xml to xls. How do I write the path to my file correctly?

Task: convert xml to xls Problem: the error "line 2, character 11, error: "The end of the construction is assumed", code: 800 ... pplication") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.OpenXML(xmlFile, 2) xlBook.SaveAs xlsFile, 6 xlBook.Close False xlApp.Quit End Sub