
Jar does not see files that are in the same directory with it

There is a simple program in which I read information from a file, using FileInputStream. The file is located in the root dir ... e the following construction: FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); Thank you in advance for your reply)

Why are they written to the part2 file? sorted.txt question marks?

My code is working and in the file part2.txt records everything correctly. But when sorting and reading data from a file part ... ]; arr[j] = arr[i]; arr[i] = temp; } } } } }

Add the contents of a binary file to an object file

There is a program that exports some data to a file in binary form. Is there a way to transfer the contents of a constant array, such as uint8_t, from a c file to a separate binary file for easy editing by a third-party program?

A file with the extension.xsb

I got my hands on a file with the extension .xsb How can I open it? I understand this is a report of some kind

What is the canonical file path?

I'm learning Java and here's what I've learned about the different paths: Relative-an incomplete path that exists relative t ... n the canonical path (what is it?) and things vida: ...\ (again, what is it?). Please explain in simple language what it is.