
Connecting OpenCV to a Java project

When executing code from the tutorial: static{ System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); } public static void main ... quite clear what to do. Download the system library named *411, or install an older version of OpenCV that has version 410?

How do I add a path to the %PATH% environment variable on Windows?

How do I add something to a path (PATH or system PATH)? What is %PATH% and %something%? Here are some examples: Add the ... en the two % also the path to the folder? %PATH% and %MINGW_DIR% are the same thing if PATH is understood as a path to MinGW?

Python is in PATH but it doesn't run from cmd

Installed Python for Visual Studio 2019. I also want to work with it from cmd. Added the path to the folder containing python ... prompt to enter appears again, and Windows launches its app store and offers to download Python. I work on Windows 10 Pro.

Can't get absolute path in Node JS, import {...} from " path"

Why is a combination with two slashes in front of //path not allowed in the path? const path1 = '/a//b\\c' const path2 = '// ... : '\\\\a\\b\\', // dir: '\\\\a\\b\\', // base: 'c', // ext: '', // name: 'c' // } Platform Windows Node -v v12.16.1

What is the canonical file path?

I'm learning Java and here's what I've learned about the different paths: Relative-an incomplete path that exists relative t ... n the canonical path (what is it?) and things vida: ...\ (again, what is it?). Please explain in simple language what it is.

Running Python scripts via cmd.exe without the full path to the script

Working on Windows 8.1 with Python 3.6. I need to learn how to use cmd.exe to run Python scripts. Need to be able to just run ... does not work when searching for the script. How do I make it so that I can run it without writing the full path to the file?

The program does not see the path to the file C:\Windows\ System32\nslookup.exe

The program does not see the path to the file C:\Windows\System32\nslookup.exe The check of course always returns "Path not f ... Exists(@"C:\Windows\System32\nslookup.exe")) { Console.WriteLine("Путь найден"); } else Console.WriteLine("Путь не найден");

Bitmap image as background for path in SVG

There is a task to set the value .test {fill: url(image.png)} for <path class="test" d="... ..." /> Google is already ... th clippath and mask but for some reason it does not work. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to solve this problem?

How do I set the value of the path variable in c++ qt?

You need to set the path variable to the paths to the libraries used in the program. How do I do this?

How do I set the OutputPath for file-loader correctly?

To the build process in webpack, I connected the file-loader in this way. { test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/, use: [ ... logo.jpg ------backgrounds --------img1.jpg --------img2.jpg ------icons --------icon1.svg --------icon2.svg How to fix it?

Access files in C: \ \ giving error: path access ( ... ) was denied

I am making a program in C#, which needs to access all files and folders from the computer. It turns out that when I go to ac ... it was denied. How can I access all folders and files without giving this problem? Running as administrator does not solve.

How to read the xsd file from inside my C project#

I am doing validation of an xml from an xsd file like this: XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); schemaSet.Add("urn ... .xsd"); Validate("D:/Arquivo/Exemplo_Saida.xml", schemaSet); How do I fetch the xsd, and it is already inside my Solution?

What is the difference between paths starting with "./ "and"~/"? What is best practice?

Both directories below point to the same file. These are Typescript import declarations in an Angular application '~/app/s ... s/modules-services/inspections/checklist.service'; So what's the difference between using ./ and ~/? What is best practice ?

How to create directory with a path that works for any OS?

I'm doing a job in Java and I need my program to create a directory in the user's "home" folder, but it needs to be able to create in both Linux and Windows. Is it possible to create a "generic" path to such?

Error launching app with react - Native run-android

I'm trying to start with react-native I did the installation according to this link / environmen ... orm-android/build/commands/runAndroid/index.js:135:12) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

How to switch between Java 8 and 11 on Ubuntu?

I made a few days ago the transition from Windows 7 to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and I had some difficulties in the process. Well, le ... etween openJDK 8 and 11? In Windows I did modifying the system variable PATH, so I imagine there must be something similar...


Hello, to boot my Flutter course, one of the requirements is to change the Windows Path to 'flutter \ bin'. The problem is th ... er the PATH. Would it be problem to delete the contents of the current variable from PATH and insert the one from Flutter?

Source is not recognized as an internal command

When trying to activate a virtual one with the Command source venv/bin/activate, the message appears: source não é reconhecido como comando interno. All this in the PyCharm console.

How to change PATH on Windows

I would like to know how I can change the variable PATH in the Windows environment. I am a linux user but I know that windows also allows the use of this environment variable to find its executables.

Android Open Image by the way

We can see that there are several tutorials on how to save the path of an image, being a photo from the camera or selecting f ... in the image by its path? I looked in several tutorials but I could not find a solution, has anyone experienced this problem?