
The pseudo-class: checked for radio does not work

When clicked, the label should change the background color, but the selector does not work. modal__checkbox label input: chec ... essenger" value="Viber"><span>Viber<i class="fab fa-viber"></i></span></label> </div>

How to set the content width for text in input

As shown in the screenshot, the width of the form for the text is significant, I do not know how to set it. Visited the usu ... s="page-subscribe-img"> <img src="img/Robot.png" alt="Robot"> </div> </div> </div>

html hover effect: make one div on top of another div

I want to create the following hover effect: at hover, one div (.left) should expand to full width and cover the other div (. ... lve this problem? Free translation of the question html-hover effect: make div flow above another div from member @newman.

Why doesn't this radial gradient complete the circle?

I'm trying to use a radial gradient to create a border inside the circle elements that act as radio buttons. The main CSS ... gt;</div> <div class="radio radio3"></div> <div class="radio radio4"></div> </div>

How to achieve "depth" with 3D-transform CSS

I'm trying to create a "perspective layout" using CSS. There are plenty of tutorials on how to achieve this with 3D layers in ... . A circle is circled around the characteristic place of the mentioned "depth", where the image is repeated on the sides:

HTML5 audio. Rewind in Chrome doesn't work

There is an html5 audio tag that plays mp3 from a remote server (recording a telephony conversation). It loads and plays norm ... eader ('accept-ranges: bytes'); The problem is that the file is not on my server: (. Is there anything we can do about it?

Is it possible to change the html code of a page before it is displayed in the browser?

I'm making an extension for chrome. First, the page is displayed, then the html code changes begin with the extension script, ... cument.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.display = "block"; 5) And only then it should be displayed for the first time!

How to access label at input:focus?

How do I access the label when the focus is in input? .input-wrapper { margin-top: 30px; } input, label { di ... re with a caption (which seems to hint, but it's still interesting): Don’t. Label text shouldn’t take up multiple lines.

SVG animation of rabbit eyes using the path "d" and "keyTimes" attributes"

How can I animate an svg image? I want the rabbit to blink his eyes. #pa8{ width: 250px; height:250px; } <img id="pa8" src="">

Setting the date and time in input

How to make <input type="datetime-local" > have the maximum date and time value, today. Via JS. It is necessary that when the user selects the date and time, there is a limit to today and the time when the modal window opens.

How do I connect fontawesome 5 locally from my computer?

I downloaded fontawesome 5 on my computer, I can't connect it, tell me, who knows...

Animation of the planets of the solar system

I have a picture of the planets of the solar system. It turned out to do with the help of the commands <circle> or ... for multiple planets, everything breaks. Only the last added planet is visible. How make animations for multiple planets?

How to connect bootstrap to a page in nodejs?

Installed nodejs, expressjs. I can't connect the local bootstrap to the html file. It does not work exactly with localhost: 3 ... index.html'); }) app.listen(3000, function () { console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'); });

Is it true that new tags in html5 are not valid when applied to xhtml?

That is, for the sake of a few tags, a person who has been working in xhtml for a long time should completely switch to html5 ... sting to know your opinion on this matter. The question is primitive, but I haven't found a concrete answer anywhere. Thanks.

Three-dimensional (X, Y, and Z) graph using D3.js

I'm looking for a graph that has 3 dimensions (x, y, and z) and uses D3.js. Please tell me if there is any data visualization site where I can find such a graph, or is there on the site itself, where I couldn't find it.

Why is it better to use em, rem,%, and px?

For which elements is it better to use em, rem,%, and px, and in which cases? And what is better to use for the same retina? And what are the pros and cons, if possible in a short

if/else conditions in pug

There is a block with svg and you need to change the contents depending on the variable, the code: mixin container(svg) ... ner(third) The problem is that no matter what value I write in the mixin container(), svg.class__first is always displayed?


Using Chrome Canary (which is a future version of Chrome that is 4 months ahead of stable) I try to use <link rel="import ... for more details. But I don't understand what they are offering to replace it with. Tell me, please. Thank you very much.

Link with a stub

How to make it so that when you click on a link with a stub that is located, for example, in the middle of the page, it does ... бурые</a></li> <li><a href="#">Почтовые коробки бурые с бланком</a></li> </ul>

Is it possible to send messages from one WebWorker to another WebWorker?

I have a page where I intend to use a set of WebWorkers to perform background tasks. Each WebWorker has a specific function, ... ble (which is not always true, since certain applications - WebGL for example - can keep the main thread busy for too long).