
Catch the extension file for chrome

I have an installed extension for chrome (someone else's, installed from the chrome web store). I need to get the .crx file of this extension. What is the easiest way to do this

Developing an extension for chrome

In the manifest configuration.json, the permissions object, it records the urls on which the extension will work. there is an ... I don't have to register a specific domain zone? For example: *://site.*/*, but unfortunately it doesn't work (this example).

How do I remove chrome tab names?

How to remove the names. Or at least limit it to 3 characters

Opening a new tab by clicking on the extension icon in Chrome

How to make it so that when you click on the extension icon in Google Chrome, not a popup pops up, but a script is executed (gen.js) and the tab opened?

chrome extension how to open ' popup` using javascript

I ran into a problem. I try to open the extension window using javascript, but it doesn't work like that.; It is necessary that, under a specific condition, the window automatically opens.

What is this line? chrome-extension://napifgkjbjeodgmfjmgncljmnmdefpbf /styles.css

You need to optimize the site, but the inspector shows that this extension is not used by 100%, and it has weight. "chrome-extension://napifgkjbjeodgmfjmgncljmnmdefpbf / styles.css" - what is it? do I need to delete it?

Chrome extension-how do I add an item to the context menu?

You need to add a link to the additional UI page here To make it available in the same way as the "Parameters" of the extension How can this be done?

How do I send a telegram message from user to user in web telegram using javascript?

The actual question is in the title itself. For the sake of interest, I decided to make an extension that will add new functi ... rerPolicy":"no-referrer-when-downgrade","body":"L\u0007è{Uâîè+ÌÖ£Ý**много крякозябр**Lââ\t§","method":"POST","mode":"cors"});

JS. XHR. Encoding of the outgoing text.

Good time! There is a certain server. Responds, accepts requests. I'm writing a plugin for chrome. The outgoing Russian text ... ame plugin, and everything is fine with the outgoing Russian text. Can XMLHttpRequest somehow affect the outgoing encodings?

Ublock does not block the script from Vkontakte

Ublock does not block the script at In my filters, I set the entire vk to block (||^) ... you go to - blocks a openapi.js doesn't want to. Question how to block this script via ublock?

How does the vidIQ extension determine the position of a video in the search?

When you upload a video to YouTube and add tags to it, then these tags are visible to absolutely everyone in the page code: h ... o in the YouTube search, most likely through queries. But I would like to know more precisely what method uses the extension.

The tabs.query() method of the Chrome extension

Hello. Question: main: how to send a message to the specified tab, not by its id, but by binding to the url. You need ... { greeting: "hello" }, function(response) { console.log(response.farewell); } ); } );

Chrome-extension update

I started writing an extension for Chrome... In the middle, I asked the question "How to update it later?" I searched for inf ... ready updated.. And more: is it possible to look at all this locally? that is, without loading the extension in Chrome Store

Accessing page variables from the Google Chrome extension

On the Steam user page, there is a javascript code like <script type="text/javascript"> g_rgProfileData = {"url":" ... ain script when trying to get the variable STEAMID = document.getElementsByName("steamid_jackrv").value; I get undefinded

Replacing the New Tab page/ New Tab

How to replace the page that opens when you click on the button New Tab/ Новая вкладка, which is also available at chrome://newtab?

Switch between Chrome tabs by knowing the tabId of those tabs

Hello. I want to implement switching between Google Chrome tabs in my extension. The extension already recognizes id tabs and can update them. Is it possible to switch between the tabs I need, knowing them tabId?

Which is better: chrome. storage.sync, chrome. storage. local, or localStorage?

What is the best way to store Google Chrome Extension data, and what is the fundamental difference between ... / localStorage, given the possibility of getting this data in any tab? Preferably with an example, please.

Security error when using getURL () in Firefox WebExtension

I try to port the extension from Chrome and get this error: Security Error: Content at "" may not load or ... ources": [ "blocks/indicators/__icon/*", "blocks/namespace/*", "blocks/vk-inner/*", "moz-extension://*" ],

Some VK servers give incorrect CORS headers

I am developing a music extension for Google Chrome and have encountered this problem. VKontakte music is located on several ... the bug tracker of the site was long ago scored and no one will fix it. Is it possible somehow get around this restriction?

How to increase the ping?

I'm making a game on sockets, to do debugging of interpolation and extrapolation, you need to increase the ping and possibly ... tual machine But I don't really want to raise an entire virtual machine for a small task.