
The mouse doesn't work in Android Studio

There was an incomprehensible problem with Android Studio. There is no reaction to the mouse, that is, you can not click on a ... problem? What do you recommend to do? The basis of the computer is an AMD Athlon X4 860K on the A88XM-A, if that may affect.

Configuring Intellij Idea

Tell me who knows what setting allows you to display all the selected classes and files as in the screenshot, and not hide them in the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to run tomcat intellij idea

Hi) I can't run tomcat (well, not at all) in the idea. Just to display my pages and work servlets, I do not need war. I press ... .catalina.startup.Catalina.stopServer No shutdown port configured. Shut down server through OS signal. Server not shut down.

Intellij idea and java 7

Hello. There was a problem, I installed java 7, but I can't configure idea for the new version. For example, if you use Strin ... tring s = in.nextLine(); switch (s) { case "qq": System.out.println(1); break; } } }

Autocompletion in Intellij Idea

Tell me how to implement such a feature in Intellij Idea: I type four letters "psvm" and get this sentence public static void main(String[] args){} For auto-completion?

Intellij Idea - how to translate an entire java project to UTF-8

I have an old project that is not encoded in UTF-8, I need to translate the entire project to UTF-8. I work in Intellij Idea. ... ed at the beginning of each file. Maybe there is a plugin that will carefully translate all classes into UTF-8 encoding ?

Keyboard shortcuts in Intellij Idea

Is it possible to create your own keyboard shortcuts in Idea, if so, how?

Hint in intellij idea

Please tell me how to set up the same hints in intellij idea as in Eclipse?

intellij idea invisible characters

Please tell me how to enable the display of invisible characters in intellij idea? As here: I did it in VSCode without any problems, but I can't find something in the idea.

Formatting markup in AndroidStudio 3.5

I updated AndroidStudio to version 3.5 and encountered such a problem, when formatting text in the markup (Ctrl+Alt+L), the I ... formatted in previous version AS and is zakomichen. If it wasn't for VCS, I wouldn't have realized what happened right away.

Where does gradle go for org. springframework. boot

When loading the project, the message Plugin [id: 'org.springframework.boot', version: '2.2.2.RELEASE'] was not found ... BUILD FAILED in 1s 28 01 2020: Launched from the project folder bootrun 29 01 2020 Launched gradlew bootrun. Result:

The thread stop is looped, and the others are not working

When creating 10 threads of those who make +1 and those who make -1 of a synchronized number ( the limit to >= 0 and imp ... те сюда описание изображения][2]][2] [1]: [2]:

How do I configure InteliJ IDEA Educational to use Java EE?

You need to study the JSP that are included in java EE. I'm trying to configure intelij-idea educational edition to use this ... d supports the use of Java EE. Help me set up the development environment. Thanks. Attaching screenshots from intelIJ

intellij idea differences between community and ultimate versions

Tell me what differences and by what means Idea implements version differences. Well for example: Spring support in Ultimat ... build of projects with Spring, or does Idea just not give hints on Spring? Well, or even that thread. Same with hibernate.

Download the plugin to Intellij IDEA from disk

How to install the golang plugin version 9.16 from the disk to Intellij IDEA, where the problem with environment variables is ... r ubuntu or mac os, but at the moment there is no possibility to work on these oss. Are there any build options for Windows?

ActionListener when working with Java Swing

It is necessary that when you click on the button, the color of the textfield changes... But it is necessary that the conditi ... Dialog(null, "Номер успешно забронирован!"); roomField1.setBackground(new Color(204, 0, 0)); } } });

Problems with TimeZone when connecting MySQL to intelijiIdea

Created an empty project in intelijiIdea "Hello, Word", decided to connect to the server via the side panel DataBase - > + ... stackoverflow, but everything is unchanged. Workbench version 8.0 MySQL version 8.0 IDEA version 2019.1.3 Java version 12.02

I can't use Git in Idea

Created a repository via VCS/Import into Version Control/Create Git Repository I made a couple of commits, played around and ... hem, Delete is not active. How do I get rid of all this so that I can work with the new repository, without these old traces?

How do I get the executable file of a java application?

I am new to the world of Java, but since I am familiar with C++, I already know a little about it. I created a simple dialog ... Dialog dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.pack(); dialog.setVisible(true); System.exit(0); } }

Where can I run the code examples for Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java if most IDEs throw errors?

I downloaded the code folder on Github, inserted it in src in IntelliJIdea, and got several hundred compilation errors. I did ... nd I do not want to change the way you learn. Link to the code: