
Installing Ubuntu over a network

Good time of day! Please tell me how to install Linux (preferably Ubuntu) on the network? It is desirable that it is from A t ... could be the problem? I put 11.04, I will try 12.04 - maybe it will help, although restricted/binary-i386 is identical there

Installing Ubuntu next to Windows

Tell me how to install Ubuntu second OS on your computer?

When installing Python, error 0x80070643 is returned

I install Python from the official website. It turns out such an error. I tried to remove all Python from the computer and ... thon, everywhere such garbage. Mb I deleted accidentally, any system files? And how to restore them. Thank you in advance:)

Laravel 8 OpenServer curl error 60 installation error

I'm trying to install laravel 8 on OpenServer (PHP 7.4) via Composer (The latest version of Composer 2.0.8 is available) Befo ... official site it is not mentioned anywhere, and there is no such thing in the tutorials. Or do I understand something wrong ?

The apk app doesn't install on your phone

Created the app in android studio, compiles, the connected phone accepts it, everything works. But if I transfer the apk file ... the apk file, it doesn't install "app not installed". What needs to be changed in the program itself or where to install it?

Installing windows 98 on a modern laptop

We have: a corei5 laptop, 4gb of RAM two 500gb HDDs each 1st HDD:|100mb-reserved by the system| / 36gb-NTFS for Windows 7||39 ... option, I think to install a clean DOS in conjunction with FAR manager. DOS it seems to be still alive, and used somewhere.

Bios and Windows 7 installation

I want to install the OS through the bios, nothing comes out. In boot, I set my dvd-rom to 1, after rebooting the black screen and " _ " blinks at the top. Update

How do I configure InteliJ IDEA Educational to use Java EE?

You need to study the JSP that are included in java EE. I'm trying to configure intelij-idea educational edition to use this ... d supports the use of Java EE. Help me set up the development environment. Thanks. Attaching screenshots from intelIJ

Oracle Database 18c EX rolls back the installation without explanation

Win 10 pro x64, the installation of Oracle Database 18c EX comes almost to the end, at a certain point, the rollback of chang ... playing any error, completes the installation, what can I do about it? Faced with this for the first time, I hope for help.

Why is muls-gcc not installed?

Trying to install musl-gcc in debian 9 At first, I tried to set it like this: sudo apt-get install musl-dev But the com ... tyUSB0 -serial -sercfg 9600,8,n,1,N For this reason, I can't copy and output as text , the text is not copied

Removing the Avast antivirus

After the update with the error: "the update did not finish", Avast did not start. After the package manager deletes it and the installation does not start. What to do? If in the command line, please write the commands.

Nouveau crashes on live USB Ubuntu

On an MSI laptop with 1050, I run ubuntu from a flash drive ( I tried hubuntu and mate again), the desktop starts, crashes in ... han 2 MB ), after a few seconds, a message like pull out the flash drive and press enter to restart. How do I install ubuntu?

Installing kivy and django in python

Which version of python3 can I download the latest version of kivy and django to

The computer constantly restarts when installing Windows 10 and the installation does not complete

There was a problem when installing Windows 10 instead of Linux. On the PC (friend) was installed ALT Linux and he wanted to ... through other programs (rufus) and does it make sense to create a LIVE version of Windows and try to do something through it?

grub does not start after installing ubuntu by the second system

I have the following problem. There is a 128 GB ssd where windows10 is installed and a 1tb hdd (disk d) Decided to install ub ... rtition specified an efi with the fat32 file system. After rebooting, it does not go to grub, but immediately loads windows.

Linux from the very basics (compiling, installing the kernel, and so on)

I've used Windows all my life, and suddenly I wanted to get to know Linux a little bit. I want to deal with all this business ... one PC without an OS installed, how does the Linux kernel usually install on it? So far, that's all. Thank you for earlier.

Installing packages in cygwin

Good time of day! Can you tell me how to install packages in cygwin? I google the Internet, but I can't think of anything cle ... ut in /bin and /usr/bin I found nothing, for reference, pearl unpacked, but I did not see anything like this in two branches.

I want to install SQL Server 2016 on Windows 7

Yes, I know that installing SQL Server 2016 Express on Windows 7 is not officially supported. Is there any way for Windows 7 ... er 2016 Then rolled back to Windows 7 But SQL Server 2016 didn't even start. The same question was asked on superuser.com.

How to install the SciPy library on Windows

As it is not very clear how you can install the ScyPy library in the Windows operating system?

how to install the requests module on macOS

I started to learn what Python is and there was a question with the requests module. I have macOS. I installed the module su ... rogram with the imported module without sudo, I get the error ImportError: No module named requests What am I doing wrong?