
How to integrate gnuplot into LaTeX?

Good time of day. Now we need to integrate gnuplot into LaTeX. I learned about the gnuplottex package. I have Windows 10 inst ... need to put in the configuration of TeXstudio --shell-escape, did not help. Here I attach a screenshot of the layout result.

LaTeX what about the Russian text?

Hello. I try to enter this text in Texmaker, convert it to a PDF file via pdfLaTeX, but in the end I get an empty sheet. what ... E &=& mc^2\\ m &=& \frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} \end{eqnarray} \end{document}

How do I align the text to the right in Latex so that the beginnings of the lines match?

I use the \begin{flushright}...\end{flushright} command in Latex, but the lines in this case are just pressed to the right and their beginnings do not match. How to make the text be pressed like this:

Latex. Caption to the table in the center

Given. Table in Latex. There is no left border in the last merged row. What's wrong? Kill me, I don't understand. Well, immed ... ............................................................ %................ТАБЛИЦА.9.....................................

Special column vector entry in LaTeX

A teacher at a university writes down the notation of column vectors in the form |x>. Is there such an entry in LaTeX, exc ... oogled, but something could not find anything at all, except for answers like "how to write a matrix / vector with brackets".

how to remove the number before the title "List of references" in latex

I write a document in solid text, without using \chapter, \section, and without a table of contents. I need only a list of re ... %-выравнивание по правому краю \sloppy %-выравнивание по правому краю \titlepage

Russian in LaTeX

Russian Russian text: The problem is that when you add Russian text, the font type changes from the standard font to somethin ... Co text code screenshot: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage[english,ngerman,russian]{babel}

TeXstudio-PDF generation doesn't work

After updating fedora to 33, TeXstudio suddenly refused to work. More precisely, when trying to start PDF generation, the stu ... ere ? The first two dots in the message are confusing: '././app/texmf-var/fonts/tfm/lh' What was there current a directory?

LaTeX, how to make such a font

The font is visible in the image, how do I do this?

Displaying characters in LaTeX

Good time of day! The question arose, why are mathematical symbols displayed smoothly (without corners) after the layout, an ... smooth(without corners). How can I do this? I'm using MiKTeX 2.9 with a TeXstudio environment. Windows 10 operating system.

How do I enable Reverse and Forward Search in a vim + vim-latex (latex-suite) + zathura bundle?

I have already found a lot of information about this, but I have not been able to achieve results. Users write a lot of diffe ... frivolous mistake somewhere, because the instructions everywhere are not that complicated. I hope for your help, thank you!

How to register a PATH in Ubuntu?

I downloaded texlive 15, and at the end the installer asked me to do this: Add /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/doc/man ... most importantly, add /usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/i386-linux to your PATH for current and future sessions. How do I do this?

Latex on Mac OS

I'm sorry, but I've already tried everything I can and can't do. Source data: Mac OS El Capitan, fresh MacTeX, fresh Texmaker ... h]{babel} Please do not send it to tex. stackexchange, there are no Russians there, but here I have seen similar questions.

Rendering LaTex in Python

Good afternoon! Is there a library for the third python that allows you to convert Latex code into a png image? There is a bu ... and so on. I need to be able to feed it a list of fifty LaTex strings during processing and get fifty images in the output.

matplotlib error when rendering TeX text

The following code is used to display LaTeX formulas in Matplotlib: def latex_draw(tex, ri, eq=False): ''' :param t ... \} \newline x_2= \left\{2 n \pi + \frac{\pi}{3}\; |\; n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\}\newline $} \end{document} How do I fix this?

Latex. Newline wrap inside equation

There is a formula \begin{equation*} max_X (min_{\vec{Y}} F(X, \vec{Y})) = sup_{X} (inf_{\vec{Y}} F(X, \vec{Y})) = \ ... Y})) = inf_{\vec{Y}} (sup_{X} F(X, \vec{Y})) = \Gamma_2 \end{equation*} How to move to a new line? \\ doesn't work.

How to make applications in latex with Cyrillic numbering in the center?

You need to make an application of this type in a latex document: I'm already at the stage of Cyrillic numbering: \makeatl ... The document has the extarticle class. Maybe there are some ready-made recipes? If not, please tell me what you need to do.

Is it possible in LaTeX to make the drawing flow around a list?

When you try to change the text flow to a list, the image goes down. The picture shows what it looks like in Google Books, is it possible to implement something similar in LaTeX?

LaTex text wrapping

\begin{figure}[p] \includegraphics{picture.png} \caption{картинка} \label{ris:im ... the text down. how to make the text on the left and the picture on the right. Also interested in how can I insert the code?

How to correctly derive the solution of the integral using JavaScript and MathJax?

Hello. I need to write a program for solving the integral with the output of the solution itself. To do this, I connected the ... \a \end{matrix}\right|$$ 3. Podstavlaem znachenia $$\frac{b^{n+1} }{n+1}-\frac{a^{n+1}}{n+1}$$ </body> </html>