
How do I change the root user password in Ubuntu?

How do I change the root user password in Ubuntu?

How do I run the Android emulator from a terminal on Ubuntu?

I am interested in setting up and running from the command line: AVD Manager is not always suitable.

How to find out the root password

How can I change my password? I can't log in to my computer. asks for the user's password? how can I find it.

How do I open a port in Ubuntu?

I'm new to ubuntu, so I can't figure out why the port doesn't open and how to do it anyway. Tell me, please! I tried to open ... EAM LISTENING 3215427067 /var/run/saslauthd/mux That is, like the 53rd port is open... How else can I open the ports?

How do I get the folder size from the terminal in Ubuntu?

How do I get the folder size from the terminal in Ubuntu?

I can't log in as an ubuntu superuser

I can't log in as a superuser in ubuntu. I enter it in the terminal: russia@russia-desktop:~$ su Пароль: su: Сбой при проверке подлинности I have only one user, i.e. myself. What to do?

Installing Ubuntu over a network

Good time of day! Please tell me how to install Linux (preferably Ubuntu) on the network? It is desirable that it is from A t ... could be the problem? I put 11.04, I will try 12.04 - maybe it will help, although restricted/binary-i386 is identical there

In Ubuntu 14.04, the Android emulator says Use the '- force-32bit'

I'm trying to launch a virtual device. I get the following: ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to ... oving to a 64-bit Linux system before that happens. Tell me, where and how to use this ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT? Thanks!

How to remove Postman from Ubuntu?

I put Postman in Ubuntu for a long time, now I want to delete it. I don't remember how I put it. Postman is accessible from t ... I cleaned them up, but Postman remained in the HUD menu and successfully starts from it How to find and delete it correctly?

Run a python script on the server

I remember there was some command python script.py & [что-то там] Which ran the script and you could close the terminal, leave the server, and the script continued to work. Can someone remind me?

How to turn off the power to the usb port with ubuntu?

I have a cooler, it is not detected by the computer as a separate device. How do I turn off the power to its usb port?

Port forwarding and traffic redirection via iptables

There is a router, the Internet comes to it. On the router, port 6666 is forwarded to the server with Ubuntu (1 ... Redirect packets from eth1 to the ip address available through this locale

iptables-close all ports except web and ssh

Ubuntu 16.04 server + fail2ban + iptables. There are a lot of PHP + MySQL sites on the server (with and without SSL). The ta ... the server use the PHP copy command. Will it work correctly if only ports 22,80,443 are open in the INPUT chain for iptables?

Ubuntu 11.10: connect the internet

On RoverBook-W700, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 from the disk. It got up perfectly. I put it on a bare laptop. The local network ... ный DNS-сервер Windows goes online. Ubuntu 11.10-NO. Wired does not connect. Tell me what and where to set up.

Installing Ubuntu next to Windows

Tell me how to install Ubuntu second OS on your computer?

How do I upgrade Ubuntu to 19.10?

I am trying to update Ubuntu from 19.04 to 19.10. I use the command sudo update-manager -d. A window opens that says yes, the ... pdating, install all available updates for your version. sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade do not install anything new.

How to copy the contents of a folder with a given extension to another folder while maintaining the original directory structure in linux

How do I copy files of only a certain extension to another folder in Ubuntu, while maintaining the structure of the original ... ents of the subfolders were also copied, only what has the extension .h This is analogous to the command mac: gcp --parents

Allow ssh access for an ubuntu user

There is access via ssh with a public key to root, how do I make the same access for another user?

How to log in to phpmyadmin on ubuntu

I installed LAMP on Ubuntu, and I can't open phpmyadmin. So it outputs 404 http://localhost/tools/phpmyadmin http://localh ... tu) Then I enter CREATE DATABASE box;. Writes ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'box'