
The while loop in the function while() function in php

Hello everyone. I apologize for such a stupid question: how can I put a while loop in a function if the loop accesses the dat ... ion all_list(){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)){ echo $row['id']; } } echo all_list(); ?>

How to log in to phpmyadmin on ubuntu

I installed LAMP on Ubuntu, and I can't open phpmyadmin. So it outputs 404 http://localhost/tools/phpmyadmin http://localh ... tu) Then I enter CREATE DATABASE box;. Writes ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'box'

MySql & phpMyAdmin

I have an Open Server installed on my computer and use it to launch a web page from which data should be entered not in its d ... ault phpmyadmin settings from Open Server. I only changed the port to 3307. Server: "Database: a_db "Table: aa

How do I log in to phpMyAdmin?

When logging in to phpmyadmin, ask for a username and password. Where to get it from? I'm a newbie, please explain in more detail.

MySQL syntax error?

$sql = "INSERT INTO league(user,email,password,rival,key) VALUES ('$this->user','$this->email','$t ... near 'key) VALUES ('user1','[email protected]','usrpsw','0','0')' at line 1 Key int(11) NULL(no) DEFAULT 0

Client-server application in Android

I have a DB in phpmyadmin, as well as a website. I need to take data from this database( or site), analyze it, and then show ... videos, etc.), since I'm looking for information on the Internet, but I don't think it's quite the right one for my project.

Why in MySQL (MariaDB) does the loop not work even in the procedure?

2 UPDATE: Something to think about: delimiter ;; drop procedure if exists test2;; create procedure test2() begin select ‘He ... t do it... I ask the moderators and users to help in this matter, and not to give the tag duplicate and set downvote. Please!

Cross query sql php

Can you please tell me how to display on the page in the table not the id, which is in the database, but the value itself, wh ... ators` WHERE data_id_station = '".$_GET['id']."' Can you tell me how to correctly output the data, and not the id? Base:

phpmyadmin doesn't want to log in

Hello. There was a problem with phpmyadmin the other day. And she came unexpectedly and unexpectedly. When logging in an erro ... wnload with I tried to replace the $dbuser variable with 'root'. But as it is, there are no results.

Migrating a database from phpMyAdmin to MariaDB

Good day to all! Guys, you can't export and then import the database. I will describe the actions in Linux: Running phpMyAd ... yTable ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'myDB.myTable' doesn't exist Why can't he see the table in this database, if it is there?

Nginx + Node.js + phpmyadmin Setup

Good time of day! There was a task to publish the api written in nodejs. On the VPS, nginx + phpmyadmin(mysql) is installed ... } # managed by Certbot listen 80; server_name; return 404; # managed by Certbot }

Error The mbstring extension is missing?

I have a LEMP server on the machine. When trying to put phpmyadmin on it, it returns the error The mbstring extension is ... tation, I came to the conclusion that a lot of unnecessary extensions were installed. I reinstalled php and everything worked

foreign keys in MariaDB

Hello there is a problem in phpadmin I have three tables student,group,student_to_group table student_to_group contains two f ... CONSTRAINT students_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES students_to_group (student_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION)

mysqli extension not found

Phpmyadmin does not work apache 2.4, mysql 5.5, php 5.4.9, winddows 7 php.ini extension_dir = "C:\apche24\php\ext" exte ... uration file file (php. ini) Path - C:/windows/ Loaded Configuration File - none (should see php.ini) what and where to fix?

I tried everything, but when the page is updated, it resumes sending the form

I have sent data from the form, everything is fine, it is added to the database, I also output data from the database to the ... dy sent by) I reread a lot of options on the Internet, nothing helped, I think there is some error in my code. Please help me

Log in to phpmyadmin on OpenServer

I try to log in to phpmyadmin but I have an error #1045 - Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ... or user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I created a new user, but I can't log in, where can I change my password?

Table 'phpmyadmin.pma recent' doesn't exist

Hello everyone, can someone explain what this error is and how to fix it

MySQL #1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

I address the database with the query UPDATE `departure` SET `register_pay_id` = '77' WHERE `author` = '15' ... are the same field names register_pay_id? How is this possible to solve? For info in register_pay_id values of varchar(255)

How to implement the main news parser in python?

Good afternoon, everyone.Tell me how to implement the main news parser of the news portal.So that all the main news of this s ... (array[2]) textp=array[3] cursor.execute(sql,(str(title),str(text),str(date),str(textp))) print ("Connect successful!")

PAYEER Merchant, getting data from the database

Payment system provides the ability to connect a Merchant, the system works, but many things from the PHP7 ... i->query($select_balance); $balance_bdcomands = $balance_bd->fetch_assoc(); $balance = $balance_bdcomands['balance'];