
Do I need to store the 'packages' folders in a C# project in the project's git repository?

I have two two projects HelloWorld and HelloWorld.UnitTests. In the second case, applying nuget I installed NUnit, resulting ... with the requirements.txt file. Do I understand correctly that I still have to store this folder in the project repository?

Cannot install package from NuGet

When trying to install Json from NuGet in Visual Studio 2015, it returns the following: The PowerShell node could not be ... owerShell execution policy, open the Package Manager console to initialize the{[1] node first]} OC Windows 10 Home 64 bit.

Uninstall packages and all their dependencies at once

Is there any way for me to uninstall packages and all their dependencies in a single command? Without having to be uninstalli ... ll the package NETStandard.Library.1.6.1 and I got the following message: Package NETStandard.Library.1.6.1 was not found.

Reference with a yellow triangle, what does it mean?

When you have an exclamation, I understand that the reference is having problems and needs to be removed/reinstalled. But wit ... ow. I saw that the package is installed. In this case, what should I do? See the screenshot of the references of my project.

Xamarin Package.Forms (4.6.0726) with error in platform.dll?

I researched some ways to get around this problem on the internet, but didn't find anything very relevant. Errors appear when ... documentation, Xamarin and The Xamarin package.Forms specifically, for this context nothing relevant found or that may help.

I can't install package that criei.NET -NUGET

I recently created a package in Nuget in order to perform some tests with a private NuGet server. I did as follows in Visual ... is? I have already looked for information in the Microsoft documentation and found nothing that could help me in a clear way.