
Windows 10 removing embedded apps via PowerShell

I want to delete on several PCs, built-in Windows 10 applications via PowerShell, I found the commands DISM /Online /Get-Pro ... wever, it doesn't work. Can you tell me how to unify the delete command so that it can be deleted regardless of the version?

Copying powershell files

You need to copy the database backups from the Windows machine. The machine is not in the domain, and you need to copy it to ... nly on the New-PSDrive cmdlet. Perform the operation again without specifying credentials I have never written on powershell

How do I run a python script using xp cmdshell from sql-server?

Python 3.8.5 is installed on the server. If you run the file bot.py from the command line, then everything works. But I need ... TEWAY\MSSQL_TELEGRAM -d Problem -i C:\Python\Telegram\bot.py' The same mistake. How do I run this one script without errors?

Regular expression for text

Tell me how to remove only the first " - " in the lines: 60.125-Sample Data Point - AQL -> 60.125 Sample Data Point - AQL 54.09-E-Procedure Execution_03 -> 54.09 E-Procedure Execution_03 Using a regular expression?

Parameters in the Powershell script variables

Hello everybody!Question: is there a powershell script that has a variable, conditionally $User_name? Is it possible to make ... in the task: execute "myscript. ps1" parameters: "$User_name= "Ololosha Valueva"", and the script is executed for this user.

How do I do this on PowerShell?

Hello everyone Need help rewriting a single-line script. :) #!/bin/bash grep -vwE "ДнейОтсрочки" "Doc_2020-01.xml" > 01_ ... currence). The result is written (output) to a file 01_new.xml Feature: the search string and the xml file in UTF-8 encoding

Powershell. The method does not work.trim() for a string inside the-Filter parameter of the Get-ADUser commandlet

Please explain why if I pass a String variable to the filter of the cmdlet, let's say Get-ADUser, for example: $string = "use ... he comparison value on the right hand side. " Therefore, the only way out is to prepare the string for the filter beforehand.

Detailed verification of SMART hard disk parameters via PowerShell

I'm trying to google the possibility and existing scripts on PowerShell to check the SMART parameters of the hard disk. There ... number of SMART parameters. Maybe one of you knows how to get these parameters and will tell you a working script? Thank you

Hidden launch of a powershell script without displaying the console window

There is some script that runs through the Windows 7 Task Manager. Everything works without problems, but since some operatio ... finish correctly. This leads to the question: how to run the script in the background, so that it does not bother your eyes.

Search by name using the Powershell GUI in Active Directory

Good afternoon dear forum users. Please help me with the following question. I am trying to create a GUI application in Power ... и кнопки .... $Form.Add_Shown({$Form.Activate()}) [void] $Form.ShowDialog()``` [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/GJ5qP.png

I can't separate a string in Powershell using quotation marks

Good night, there is a large file vpn. csv, where the lines have something like this: "Address assigned to session,""cisco as ... le returns an error: выполняется разбор "mydomain\myuser" - Нераспознанная esc-последовательность \m. How can this be fixed?

Krakozyabry when using the Cyrillic alphabet in the built-in VS Code Powershell terminal

When learning the C language, the VS Code editor displays Russian letters in the form of krakozyabr in the console.

How do I run JSP, JConsole on windows 10?

How to connect JSP and Jconsole ??? java version "1.8.0_241" on oracle write that the startup files can be found in the Bin folder, but unfortunately I could not find the files there, it is very necessary to track multithreading.

How to run powershell in a specific folder

I created a shortcut to the powershell console in Windows 10, I want it to run from the administrator and in a specific folde ... \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -commnad 'cd F:\' Also the working folder in the shortcut properties doesn't work:

How do I shrink the Powershell window and change the background?

Previously, in the Windows explorer, when you press " Shift+".mouse button" in the context menu, you could select the command ... how instead of powershel, when press " Shift+".mouse button " in the context menu of the explorer, return the command prompt?

PowerShell is the equivalent of scp from bash

Looking for an anologue scp from bash console. You need to send a file to the server using the keys from the file.

How do I replace PowerShell in the context menu with the command line?

Reinstalled Windows and the command line from the context menu disappeared.SHIFT+Right Button also does not give anything, there is only PowerShell, how to replace it?

Creating a Symbolic Link via Group Policies (GPO))

I create a policy for the application of the startup script (policy on the computer). Script code: mklink C:\log\cmd.link.ex ... оверки включен SeImpersonatePrivilege Имитация клиента после проверки подлинности включен

Displaying execution information in PowerShell

Good afternoon. There is a file written in C#, for example 'app. cs'. You need to compile this file through the application i ... ript); Collection<PSObject> result = pipeline.Invoke(); runspace.Close(); P.s. The result variable is also empty.

Cannot install package from NuGet

When trying to install Json from NuGet in Visual Studio 2015, it returns the following: The PowerShell node could not be ... owerShell execution policy, open the Package Manager console to initialize the{[1] node first]} OC Windows 10 Home 64 bit.