
Edit the registry via.bat

There is a. reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\W ... mmediately into the registry. How to write such a batnik? Or by using .bat you can not enter any values variables and etc.?

In which registry key does the windows installer register the program?

In which registry key does the windows installer register the program?

How do I delete entries from the registry?

I wrote a program in C++. It starts, respectively, from the. exe file. It is clear that the program leaves "traces" in the re ... termine what records she made, and then delete them. Sorry, I'm QUITE new to working with the registry, I would be grateful.

Find in the c++ Redistributable registry, displayed in " Programs and Components"

Faced with such a task. In Inno Setup, you need to get a list of c++ Redistributables displayed in "Programs and Components". ... y, let's say 10 different c++ Redistributable, and in "Programs and Components" only 3. How do I get only 3 of these options?

C++ working with the registry

Hello. I recently started learning C++ (Visual Studio shell) and found that working with the registry is much more difficult ... lt;<"Error in query"<<endl; } else cerr<<"Error in open"<<endl; getchar(); return 0; }

C++ CLI-reference to an unresolved token

This code is not executed in the project: TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath)); HKEY hg; ... pplies to lib libraries, and working with the register is described in windows.h - header file, how to connect it via pragma?

How do I edit the registry using Python?

I have such a request to the registry [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore] "GameDVR_Enabled"=dword:00000000 How do I execute it using Python

Command to add to autoload in the registry

You need a command for the batnik that will add a specific file to the startup registry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run)(Windows 7)

What about the registry (writes to Wow6432Node)?

I'm writing a program that works with the registry. I write the data here: "Software\my-firm". That's what it used to say. N ... my-firm". This is a WOW64 redirect. I don't even know what happened... I didn't do anything like that. How do I disable it?

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol imp RegEnumValueA referenced in function

I'm trying to compile a program in C++ that wants to read the port data in the registry. I'm not a big C++ expert, I'm a Java ... reak __imp_SetCommMask __imp_SetCommState __imp_SetCommTimeouts __imp_WaitCommEvent __imp_RegEnumValueA __imp_RegOpenKeyExA

I can't delete subkeys in the registry using C#. System.NullReferenceException

There was a need to delete a piece of the registry tree. There is a certain program, from it there is a tail in HKCU\Software ... I didn't find the right topic anywhere. Either it doesn't exist or there is an exception like this. But it deletes the keys.