
Edit the registry via.bat

There is a. reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\W ... mmediately into the registry. How to write such a batnik? Or by using .bat you can not enter any values variables and etc.?

Creation.bat file to run.exe with an additional parameter

I need to run a NetBeans program with an additional parameter. Here is a working option via the console step by step: >b: ... ever encountered writing such files. So you need help-plz., just write down what needs to be fixed. I would be very grateful.

Redirecting threads in a command file (CMD, BAT)

There is some need to log the operation of the program, and I would not like to lose the ability to display data on the conso ... xample: dir > list.txt 2>&1 But I can't figure out how you can write one stream to both the screen and the file.

"if not exist" doesn't work"

There is a folder d:\EXPT. Two EXD and EXF files appear in it. Required in d:\ In copy exactly EXF first, then move it from ... \EXF??????????.*( xcopy d:\EXPT\EXD??????????.* d:\In /V /Y move d:\EXPT\EXD??????????.* d:\EXPT\a\ ) )

variables in bat files

I am writing a script that would take the path to the folder as the first parameter and copy its contents to another one that ... : "Unexpected occurrence: ..", and the flag variable does not contain anything at all. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.Thank you

Excluding file search and deletion via cmd / bat

In x folders there are x files that have the form куча_цифр_куча_цифр.wav in the name, next to all these folders there are ex ... ~a" I just don't know what other simple ways there are, I can't get cmd to search by mask to fulfill the condition do if not

How to specify the path to the directory in.bat file?

I have.bat file, next to the folder (Result). In the folder are .jpg files with different names. I'm trying to write .bat fil ... \*.jpg" for /f "usebackq delims=*" %%f in (`dir /b /o:-d /tc %a%`) do (ren "%%f" file-!count:~1!.jpg set /a count+=1 ) pause

(bat) Accessing a variable from if

I needed to block the bat file and ran into a problem. Code with a loop that has a condition inside it. And a variable that i ... e initial assignment Set a=q, I get "echo command output mode disabled" and that's it. How do I assign and access a variable?

bat file with sequential execution of commands in the console

Please help me write the batnik correctly. You need to open the console (cmd), run several commands in it sequentially: ..\v ... ия виртуального окружения python cd ..\..; cd proj\app -- переход в директорию проекта; atom . Then leave the console open.

start /wait-start applications in turn

There is an application running it through a batch file (cmd ): start /wait c:\Soft\12.exe start /wait notepad Everything wo ... here is a space in the application or directory, what should I do? I. e. how to run this? Start /wait c:\Work Soft\1 2.exe

Plink and.bat-parameters of the window that opens

I run several plink sessions through the bat file. The text of the batnik:start plink.exe -telnet start plink ... hows the path to plink.exe (E:\PuTTY\plink.exe) Is it possible to change this label to your own using a bat file? Thank you.

Rename files in a folder by condition

There are many files (in my case .png), almost all files have a name of the type 1498246332_empire_1481. The files should be ... ngth; i++) if(files[i].match(/_(\d+).png$/gm)) files[i] = files[i].replace(/(.+)_(\d+)/gm, '$2');;

Bat To Exe Converter by Fatih Kodak / / Parallel configuration is incorrect

I have been using the Bat To Exe Converter from Fatih Kodak for a year now, and for some reason there were no errors up to th ... s, but on XP it does not. By the way, this happens with Vbs To Exe Converter. Why does this error appear and how to solve it?

Automatic authorization in steam + "remember my password" Bat file

I wrote a Bat file with which I automatically log in to my Steam accounts. `@echo off taskkill /f /im steam.exe @echo off Sta ... ed to check the box "remember my password" (you can see in the image), but I can't do it . How can I do this please help me.

Iterating through Cyrillic characters in bat

I just started to learn the syntax of batnik and ran into a problem when I had to do a search of Russian characters. That is, ... spectively, with the letter I. I did not find anything useful on this topic on the Internet. I will be glad of your help! :)

Sending a file to the server with a replacement using the built-in utility ftp.exe by running cmd

You need to create the code of the cmd file, which will lie next to the target file. When you run this cmd, the target file is sent to the ftp server and replaces the file with the same name and extension there.

The conditional IF [NOT] statement does not work in the bat file

There is such a batnik: @echo off @echo Please choose your target! set /P target="" if %target%=="" ( set target="0" ) @ ... ariable target, and if nothing was entered, then assign the variable the value 0, then output its value. What did I do wrong?

Launch a steam game via a bat file

I'm trying to write bat to run the game. Games installed via Steam cannot be started directly by calling .exe. So I'm trying to launch via Steam. I tried using a command like steam://run/12345, but it doesn't work.

How do I name a bat file process?

There is such code in one bat file set ProcessName=KPrimeru.bat tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq %ProcessName%" | find /i "%Proces ... now about ways to turn a bat file into an exe, or apply vbs here, but is it possible to perform my task through bat commands?

how to make a bat file so that the bat file is not closed after executing it

How can I make the bat file not close after executing the bat file?