
No mail is sent to

There is a problem with sending response emails to email addresses (correct address) from the domain mail. Rules for ... : dns; ( Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 sender domain SPF exact match mandatory for

E-mail mailing list PHP SMTP yandex

Greetings! There is a database of 140k email addresses. It is necessary to send a single email containing several links to ne ... can you advise about this? Maybe someone has experience in E-mail marketing and mailing lists? Services are welcome. Thanks.

How do I send an email using Python?

Tell me, did you need to send a message to yandex in python. I found the code, but an error occurs. I read it, it is written ... SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: This user does not have access rights to this service')

SMTP-multiple recipients when sending from Gmail, even the BCC doesn't reach you

Unable to send to multiple recipients email from Gmail. Reading this is and this is, I tried both options - add a hidden cop ... [email protected], [email protected]", the message is listed as sent, all addresses are parsed, but no recipient receives anything.

Using telnet to communicate with the SMTP server

I read the book "Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach", and there after the chapter about the SMTP protocol, the task: " ... it is still possible to do it somehow, then what should be the sequence of steps for everything to be completed successfully?

Email forwarding using PHP

My site receives an email to the address "[email protected]", and I wish to forward this message to the user's real email addres ... to as $addr) { $mail->addAddress($addr); $mail->send(); $mail->ClearAllRecipients( ); }

Why does smtplib not work with all emails?

import smtplib EMAIL = '[email protected]' PASS_EMAIL = '**********' email = "[email protected]" smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp. ... ach. I.e., if I try to send an email to other email services via gmail, it does not reach them (even in spam). How to fix it?

How to log in to SMTP via the JavaMail API?

I tried to write a simple tutorial application for sending emails by mail using the JavaMail API, I chose SMTP as the server ... . Throws the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException

How do I make sure that if I enter my username and password incorrectly, it says "Invalid username or password"?

This is python Here is the code: import smtplib def check(): user = input("Login: ") password = input("Password: " ... _SSL(url, 465) server.login(user, password) def main(): check() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Thanks!

Django [Errno 110] Connection timed out when sending a send mail message()

Such a problem, when sending an email, the error [Errno 110] Connection timed out pops up, everything worked on the local ser ... 'form': form, 'coupon_apply_form': coupon_apply_form})

Encoding of attachment names when sending mail

Tell me, why does Outlook break the original name into segments when encoding the file name in an attachment? Content-Dispos ... nments and all that, but if you remove this, then there are problems with file naming. This is a continuation of this topics

Good afternoon, I made a mandrel of emails on the Open Server via SMTP (gmail) registered free hosting, but the sending does not happen?

Tell me, I made a mandrel of emails via SMTP (gmail) on the Open Server, registered free hosting, but sending does not happen, as well as the bot's telegrams, sends them from the open server, but there is no free hosting!?

How to send mail in response to an email

The id of the message is known. I don't just need to send an email to my mailbox, but I need this email to be a response to a chain of other emails. Is it possible to implement this?

Sending emails via a php script via SMTP

Fellow back-end gurus, I have a question for you. I've been struggling with SMTP-sending emails from the site for an hour. I ... d jam the stream? If there is a 100% working PHP script sending mail via SMTP with SSL - I would be grateful if you share it.

Sending mail via external SMTP

Configured locally on Denver as described here everything works fine, the emails go away, everything is super. Moved to host ... they told me that they are forbidden to use fsockopen():. How can I be tell me a way to send an email without this function?

Configuring smtp Yandex in Rails

Good afternoon To implement sending messages from the application, two ways were tried: the first is compact, and although n ... [email protected]', password: 'пароль', enable_starttls_auto: true } Nothing happens with these settings

How do I set up an SMTP server for mass mailing of emails? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ays to do without transactional email? Or maybe it is somehow possible to make your decision using a pool of IP addresses?

How can I use the SmtpClient class to send mail to Yandex?

UPD I tried the option suggested by @sp7 but it doesn't work for me: public static void SendEmail(string to, string from ... @sp7 for mail on and that's it works: from = "КакаятоПочта"; client.Host = "";

Sending messages to email C does not work#

Hello, tell me how to send a message to the mail with account Smtp server is known The port is known4 ... ject = "Тема"; message.Body = "ВЫ ВЫЙГРАЛИ МИЛЛИОН"; client.Send(message); But it doesn't work, why? (I send it to Yandex)

Sending a message to the C mail#

I found a sample code on the forum, did everything according to the template, and it seems to send messages, and as soon as I ... быть пуста"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show (ex.HelpLink); } }