
Installing Ruby on Rails

When installing Ruby on rails, I came across a small problem. It worked the same way as described in the tutorial on http:// ... ou tell me what problems will arise and how to avoid them? Or maybe I messed up at some stage, and I need to redo everything?

Installing Ruby and Ruby on Rails on Mac OS

Please tell me!!! I have a Mac and out of the box it has ruby 1.8.7. How to install install rvm, update ruby and install ror? I found many installation options, but all of them gave some error during the installation process.

How to search for errors in Ruby on Rails code

Hello everybody! I'm trying to learn Ruby on Rails here and I don't know how to properly look for errors. If everything was s ... so clear on RoR. Please tell me how you will order your code. I installed Nginx and Thin, which is where my RoR project runs

What you need to know to create websites [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... And html do you need an editor? I think it would be better without him. canvas. Which library is better to use? An atom?

Problem with the Production version of the app

Good day to all! My problem is that the production-version RoR of the app has some display issues. Here's what's in there - h ... t, I would very much like to find out what is the essence of my problem, dear rubists? I would be very grateful for any help.

Gem 'bcrypt-ruby' doesn't work in Rails 4.0.0

Good afternoon. I have Ruby 2 and Rails 4. I have problems with the gem 'bcrypt-ruby'. When installing gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~ ... c/api. gem 'sdoc', require: false end gem 'protected_attributes' # Use ActiveModel has_secure_password gem 'bcrypt-ruby'

How to open a link in your app instead of a browser

The project is built on Ruby on Rails, there are mobile applications for iOS/android. Task: redirect the opening of the link ... on the site, I click the profile link from my phone, and it opens in the mobile app. What will it take to implement this?

Optimizing RAM consumption

I would like to reduce the use of RAM. What are the ways to optimize the memory usage of a Ruby on Rails resource?

Books for learning Ruby [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... tion. I can master books in English, but not with a little difficulty, but if there is no other option , then I will have to.

The threshold for entering the language: the less, the better? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... gramming in php for 2 years. Which language to choose is python/django or ruby on rails? Which language has more perspective?

How to run a project on ruby, MySQL, Redis under windows10?

Is it possible to deploy this project locally on windows. Tutorial is only available for Linux. Which specifies the following ... f possible. Ruby, MySQL, and Redis (beta) themselves are already installed in windows. Is it possible without or with docker?

The game " Guess the number"

Hello. Help me solve problems on Ruby (and if you can explain how and what). I skipped a bit of elementary programming class ... amp; can == no) || (test == no && test_2 == no && can == no) then puts "Удачи тебе!" else puts "Релакс." end

rails 4 Translation of validation errors accepts nested attributes for?

How can I translate the name of the fields in the i18n (ru.yml) file fields for errors in accepts_nested_attributes_for? The ... attributes_for :phones end class Phone < ActiveRecord::Base validates :phone, presence: true belongs_to :company end

Configuring smtp Yandex in Rails

Good afternoon To implement sending messages from the application, two ways were tried: the first is compact, and although n ... [email protected]', password: 'пароль', enable_starttls_auto: true } Nothing happens with these settings

undefined method `configure' for / Version incompatibility in railstutorial?

Hello everyone I am a complete beginner in programming and in Ruby on Rails in particular. I started learning the last one by ... set 4.2.1. So, I assume that ruby 2.0.0 and rails 4.0.2 are corny incompatible. But am I right? Is the textbook outdated?

What is the difference between Passenger, Puma, Webrick, etc

Good afternoon, there is a task in the development environment to connect nginx to the Rails project. In articles on the netw ... with nginx? What other bundles for rails with nginx exist? Which one is preferable? ZY. I only teach rail z. s. s.thank you.

How do I validate for equality to one of the values?

It is necessary that the validation takes place only if the field is 1 or 25. Tried this: validates :x, numericality: { equal_to: (1 || 25) } ...but it doesn't work.

Rspec tests on Ruby on Rails

In the tests, I am a complete zero, advise, and it is better to at least start to help with the tests, I really ask. Tasks_c ... 0 } validates :description, presence: true, length: { minimum: 4, maximum: 10 } validates :priority, presence: true end

Redirect uri error with oauth2 vk

Please help, I have been fighting with VKontakte and OAuth2 for a long time, everything is smooth in facebook - there are pro ... tion":"redirect_uri is incorrect, check application redirect uri in the settings page"} Tell me, what could be the problem?

What is an application instance?

Couldn't find a specific explanation for what it means in practice. I used to think that this is, roughly speaking, a running ... ances of the application are running? In the context of rails, what is responsible for working with the application instance?