
Opening android ports

I'm trying to open ports on android 8, but I don't know how to do it.I want to run an ssh server in termux(so that I can connect from outside).

Allow ssh access for an ubuntu user

There is access via ssh with a public key to root, how do I make the same access for another user?

How do I make the NodeJS server work without an activated console?

Gave a trial week on VPS hosting, put NodeJS there, but the problem is that it works only when the console is activated. How do I make it work indefinitely?

bash script over ssh

I'm trying to write a script that would use ssh to execute certain commands to choose from, i.e. enter the name of the comput ... kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 1cv8 |grep "Отчеты" | awk '{print $2}') else echo "Ввели не правильное значение" fi !

Connecting to a remote computer

There is a computer 300 km away from me, to which I need to connect. Preferably with a graphical interface, but you can also ... with the same error as on the VM. Or do I have 2 options: go there and install Windows? Tell me, is there a similar solution?

How do I remotely reinstall the server?

There is a remote Debian server that is partially inoperable for various reasons. You can connect to it via ssh under root. Is it possible to reinstall this server by logging in as an ssh administrator? If so, how do I do it?

How do I set up a reverse SSH tunnel for a third-party user?

Given: Machine A is in the internal network with ip:, it has a service on port 5555 Edge server B, which has a ... LISTEN - Only the local interface is listened to, it is impossible to get to port 44444 from the outside. What to do?

How do I set up a local git server? (possible via ssh access)

Bottom line: there is a machine with multiple users. You need to create a git repository for these users, which would be on t ... organize access to the local folder via ssh. I didn't find anything in Google about this the question. *rwc-read-write-modify

There is no access to Mikrotik itself from outside via ssh

Inside the network, I connect to the router everything is fine. user@himik:~$ ssh -p 12345 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_mikro abcdef@192. ... 0::/64 port=18671 set ssh port=12345 set www-ssl address=,fe80::/64 certificate=Webfig disabled=no port=16190

GitHub configuring ssh access in Debian 9

I want to clone the repository to my remote server, git is installed, the www user is created and a public key id_rsa. pub is ... remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights I do not understand what to do next, please tell me.

Why do I need SSH when working with Git?

When I first started working with Git, I immediately generated keys on GitHub. Time has passed, and I absolutely do not under ... el the difference. On the locale, I do push. Everything is pushed on BitBucket. I do pull on my instance in DO. What's wrong?

Login removed to superuser mode on Debian 10 using pexpect/pxssh python

You need to use the Python language to remotely change the ssh ip address to the OS Debian 10. I decided to do this via pexpe ... 55.0') s.prompt() print(s.before) except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh as e: print("pxssh failed on login.") print(e)

Creating a proxy on your home computer

There are two computers, at home and in the country. Both have Windows OS. At home, it is connected via Ethernet (TTK), at th ... his? Tell me which one to read literature on networks and protocols. Thanks! [1]:

SSH in Python, paramiko

I saw other discussions but found nothing useful import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy ... execute, but this doesn't happen, why? The code itself is executed without errors UPD: I checked, it connects and "logs in"

free. sprinthost and its ssh

I took a free hosting from sprinthost, and I want to connect via ssh. I did as per the instructions, opened Putty (I already ... o write here, just there is no technical support for free rates. Thank you for any response and comment! Thank you in advance

How do I run an ssh command from a php file and save the result?

You need to convert xml to json, found a perfectly working method but using the ssh command: php -f xml2json_test.php test2.x ... the result to a json file or database? Otherwise, it is not clear how this conversion function can be useful for me. Thanks!

How do I connect via ssh to a server running in VirtualBox via NAT?

How do I connect via ssh to a server running in VirtualBox via NAT?

When you change the ssh port after a reboot, the server dies

So, we have a completely clean centos 7 system. And I decided first of all to change the ssh port there and do, for example, ... ything was fine, they are still working on a non-standard port. And then I took a few VPSok from a new hoster and here it is.

How do I run a php script over an ssh connection?

I have access to the hosting via ssh. I want to work through the console with the Laravel artisan framework commands. But I c ... s own path. You can't see this path using the {[3] command]} On a question in support - I was provided with this information.

SSH key authorization without password

There is a need for authorization in Linux using the SSH key. Made the keys (public and private). Public copied to: /home/eug ... 6966]: debug1: restore_uid: 0/0Mar 15 18:04:20 ht-5 sshd[16966]: Failed publickey for eugene from *.*.191.67 port 59873 ssh2